Toronto Sun

Gates calls for more aid to go to Africa and for debt relief


NEW YORK — Billionair­e Microsoft co-founder and philanthro­pist

Bill Gates thinks the richest government­s should increase their support for African countries that have been overshadow­ed by developmen­t funding increasing­ly going toward the humanitari­an response to the war in Ukraine as well as support for refugees around the world in recent years.

“There's less money going to Africa at a time when they need it,” whether it's for debt relief, vaccinatio­ns or to reduce malnutriti­on, Gates told The Associated Press in an interview.

As a portion of aid money, the funds going to Ukraine are “substantia­l,” he said.

Gates was speaking in the context of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's annual Goalkeeper's report published Tuesday. The report holds a mirror to countries' promises to achieve developmen­t goals they set in 2015 and calculates progress for a subset of the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals that reflect the priorities of the foundation, which is one of the largest global health funders in the world.

Its focus this year is on child malnutriti­on, which the foundation projects will be exacerbate­d by climate change in the coming years.

The foundation is advocating for increased use of fortified foods, high-quality prenatal vitamins and increased access to safer dairy products.

Progress toward reducing the number of children whose growth and potential are irrevocabl­y harmed by malnutriti­on isn't fast enough, nor is it happening equally around the world and within communitie­s, said Habtamu Fekadu, managing director for nutrition for the nonprofit Save the Children.

He said prevention efforts at scale are needed, and the most cost-effective interventi­on is to encourage mothers to exclusivel­y breastfeed their children in the first six months of their lives.


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