Toronto Sun

Instagram safer for teens?

Launches accounts with private settings, limited capabiliti­es



Amid mounting accusation­s that kids aren't being kept safe on social media, Instagram says it will automatica­lly give teens private accounts with limited capabiliti­es as their default.

The accounts launched for new underage users in Canada Tuesday and will be handed to teens already on the platform over the next 60 days.

The account's default settings include blocking teens from being messaged by people they aren't connected with and minimizing their exposure to sensitive content, such as posts that depict violence or encourage cosmetic procedures.

Parental supervisio­n tools baked into the accounts will allow parents to see who their teen is messaging, when and how long they're on Instagram, and set screen time limits.

Those under the age of 16 will only be able to change the settings with parental approval.

The settings are Instagram parent company Meta Platforms Inc.'s answer to a barrage of concerns that parents, politician­s and educators have raised about how much time teens are spending on social media platforms and what harms they're encounteri­ng online.

The dangers prompted several provinces to ban phone use in class this school year and a handful of Ontario boards to sue Meta, Tiktok and Snap for billions over accusation­s that the companies negligentl­y design their products for compulsive use and rewire the way children think, behave and learn.

More than 30 states are perusing a similar case in the U.S., where former Meta staff previously told legislator­s that it's common for youth on the platform to receive unwanted sexual advances or report having suicidal thoughts that became more frequent after signing up for Instagram. A cascade of studies has also linked time online to lower self-esteem and academic performanc­e, as well as more exposure to hateful, violent and mature content along with sexual predators.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES ?? Canadian teens signing up for Instagram are now among the first in the world to automatica­lly be given private accounts that default to limiting their abilities on the platform.
ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES Canadian teens signing up for Instagram are now among the first in the world to automatica­lly be given private accounts that default to limiting their abilities on the platform.

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