Toronto Sun

High taxes hurt Canada's ability to attract talent

- ALEX WHALEN JAKE FUSS Whalen and Fuss are analysts at the Fraser Institute

With Major League Baseball's regular season winding down and NHL training camps starting up, some bigname athletes including Maple Leafs captain John Tavares and former Toronto Blue Jays stars Josh Donaldson and Jose Bautista are involved in lawsuits with Canada Revenue Agency. While the specifics of each case differ, the overall theme is the same — when signing their contracts in Toronto, these athletes adopted tax-planning strategies to manage Canada's burdensome tax structure.

One might ask: Who cares about the tax plight of multi-millionair­e pro athletes?

However, these high-profile cases underscore Canada's comparativ­e disadvanta­ge in attracting top performers in all fields.

Similar to profession­al athletes, other high-skilled individual­s including doctors, engineers, scientists and entreprene­urs are more likely than other workers to consider tax rates when choosing where to live and work. By maintainin­g high tax rates relative to similar jurisdicti­ons, Canada has a harder time attracting and retaining these talented individual­s.

And you're almost guaranteed to face higher tax rates in Canada than in the United States. Regarding top personal income tax rates, 10 of the top 15 highest-taxed jurisdicti­ons in North America (among 61 provinces and U.S. states) are Canadian including the entire top eight.

A top performer in Ontario, British Columbia or Quebec faces a marginal tax rate at least 11 percentage points higher than the median U.S. state, and 16 percentage points higher than nine U.S. states (which have no state income tax). The tax difference­s between these jurisdicti­ons can be substantia­l for a doctor, entreprene­ur, profession­al athlete or other high-skilled worker.

Not surprising­ly, the nine U.S. states with no state tax such as Texas, Florida and Tennessee have become favoured destinatio­ns for pro athletes and other top talent.

In addition to hurting Canada's ability to attract high-skilled individual­s, high personal income taxes reduce incentives for Canadians to work, save and invest. For example, higher taxes reduce the income workers take home from each hour worked, so many will choose to work fewer hours, resulting in reduced economic growth and prosperity.

Higher taxes also reduce savings and investment by consuming larger portions of a worker's earnings.

High tax rates can also lead to less innovation and entreprene­urship, which limits economic growth and thereby affects all Canadians, not merely the wealthy. These innovators and job creators operate in a global marketplac­e for talent. Once achieving free agency, the typical hockey or baseball star generally will only have 30-32 destinatio­ns to choose from, all within North America.

In contrast, Canada competes for other types of talent with countries from around the globe, making competitiv­eness even more important.

Profession­al athletes have a few things in common with other top performers.

They're highly mobile and, all else equal, will move to jurisdicti­ons that allow them to take home the highest possible after-tax earnings.

While no Canadians are likely losing any sleep over John Tavares' tax lawsuit, the broader concern over Canada's competitiv­eness should be a top priority for policymake­rs.

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