Toronto Sun

Lee attacker lucky to face lenient Canadian justice


Mississipp­i teen Carly Gregg is accused of parking three bullets in her mother.

She was 14 years old at the time. Gregg allegedly told a pal who came to her house: “I put three in my mom and I got three more waiting for my stepdad when he gets home.”

The cherub-faced teen is now on trial for murder. If convicted, she faces 40 years in prison.

According to reports, mother and daughter were at loggerhead­s over the girl's clandestin­e dope use, school cheating and a slew of other domestic difficulti­es not uncommon to teens. According to police, she just took matters one step further on March 19.

After she allegedly drilled her teacher mom, Ashley Smylie, 40, Gregg is accused of luring her stepfather to what she hoped would be his demise and pumping three slugs into him. Contrast that with the treatment of the little darlings who killed Ken Lee, 59, in downtown Toronto on Dec. 18, 2022. Lee was struggling with homelessne­ss. Police say he was swarmed and stabbed by a gaggle of eight girls.

It seems at least some of those teens were on a quest, in the words of Malcolm Mcdowell in

A Clockwork Orange, for a little of the “old ultra-violence.”

Eight of them were accused: Three 13-year-olds, three 14-yearolds, and two 16-year-olds. The initial beef was second-degree murder. Three pleaded guilty to manslaught­er and another to assault causing bodily harm.

Four more will be in the dock in 2025: Three for murder, and one for manslaught­er.

But if crime-weary citizens were expecting a big statement on crime and punishment, they got it, although probably not in the way they had hoped.

The first girl to plead guilty — 13 at the time of the attack — won't face any more jail time. Communityb­ased programs, blah, blah, blah. She pleaded to manslaught­er.

And over the boards comes Justice David Stewart Rose who credited the battering brat with 15 months of effective pre-trial custody plus another 15 months of probation.

The judge said that because she pleaded guilty early and was forced to strip naked during her incarcerat­ion, well, she had suffered quite enough.

Back in Mississipp­i, there is no Justice David Stewart Rose to hop on his stallion and ride to the rescue of young damsel Carly Gregg, who torpedoed a plea deal in August. She has pleaded not guilty.

Her stepfather is standing behind her and her legal team is arguing that the teen is suffering from profound mental illness.

Of course, Gregg is just

15. If convicted, should she be locked up for 40 years? Probably not. Does the kid need a headshrink­er? No doubt.

The murders of Smylie and

Lee are very different affairs. However, the commonalit­y is that an innocent person is dead.

In Canada, activist judges and courts have put the idea of a happy medium on the shelf. You don't necessaril­y want to send some dumb kid to prison for decades but nor should they be out on the streets in the blink of an eye.

At the time of Lee's murder, I was having lunch with two veteran Toronto homicide detectives.

One described the young killers as a “bunch of wild animals.”

The cop added: “He was just minding his own business, he wasn't bothering a soul. I don't think they really cared. And I don't think they much care about the consequenc­es either because, let's be honest here, there are none.”

For Carly Gregg, however, if convicted, then the debt will be paid in full. With interest.

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 ?? ?? GREGG Killed her mom?
GREGG Killed her mom?
 ?? ?? LEE Swarmed
LEE Swarmed

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