Toronto Sun

Missile fired by Yemen's rebels lands in Israel


JERUSALEM — A missile fired by Yemen's Iran-backed rebels landed in an open area in central Israel early Sunday and triggered air-raid sirens at its internatio­nal airport, in the latest reverberat­ion from the nearly yearlong war in Gaza.

Israel hinted that it would respond militarily.

There were no reports of casualties or major damage, but Israeli media aired footage showing people racing to shelters in Ben Gurion Internatio­nal Airport. The airport authority said it resumed normal operations shortly after.

A fire could be seen in a rural area of central Israel, and local media showed images of what appeared to be a fragment from an intercepto­r that landed on an escalator in a train station in the central town of Modiin.

Israel's army said the surfaceto-surface missile was intercepte­d by Israel's defence system, which hit and fragmented the target but did not destroy it. The military said the sound of explosions in the area came from intercepto­rs.

The Yemeni rebels, known as Houthis, have repeatedly fired drones and missiles toward Israel since the start of the war in Gaza between Israel and the Palestinia­n militant group Hamas, but nearly all of them have been intercepte­d over the Red Sea.

In July, an Iranian-made drone launched by the Houthis struck

Tel Aviv, killing one person and wounding 10 others. Israel responded with a wave of airstrikes on Houthi-held areas of Yemen, including the port city of Hodeidah, a Houthi stronghold.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hinted at a similar response in remarks at a cabinet meeting after Sunday's attack.

“The Houthis should have known by now that we exact a heavy price for any attempt to harm us,” he said. “Anyone who needs a reminder is invited to visit the port of Hodeidah.”

Brig.-gen. Yahya Saree, a military spokesman for the rebels, said they fired a ballistic missile at “a military target” in the area of Tel Aviv.

The Houthis have also repeatedly attacked commercial shipping in the Red Sea, in what the rebels portray as a blockade on Israel in support of the Palestinia­ns.

Most of the targeted ships have no connection to Israel.

 ?? MAHMOUD ILLEAN/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Israeli security forces stand guard near the scene of a stabbing attack at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem's Old City yesterday.
MAHMOUD ILLEAN/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Israeli security forces stand guard near the scene of a stabbing attack at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem's Old City yesterday.

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