Toronto Star

Next generation of Buffetts poised to become powerhouse

Trio entrusted with managing charitable trust upon father’s death


The next generation of Buffetts — Howard, Susie and Peter — is poised to become one of the most powerful forces in philanthro­py when their 94-yearold father, the legendary businessma­n and leader of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett, eventually passes away.

But it wasn’t always going to be that way.

Buffett announced in June he would donate his fortune, now valued at nearly $144 billion (U.S.), to a charitable trust managed by his three children when he dies instead of giving it to the Gates Foundation, as he indicated 18 years ago.

The next generation of Buffetts will then have 10 years to give the money away, Warren Buffett said.

In the meantime, the elder Buffett continues to make huge annual donations to the Gates Foundation and his four family foundation­s, which will continue throughout his lifetime. He first mentioned plans for a new charitable trust in November.

Howard Buffett told The Associated Press he’s learned what his father told him and his siblings about philanthro­py was true: “It’s not so easy to give away money if you want to do it smart, if you want to be intelligen­t about it.”

The middle Buffett child, Howard said his father is as sharp as ever and that he hopes he lives a long time, adding: “It’s pretty amazing that he’s giving us this opportunit­y.”

Buffett has entrusted Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates with significan­t annual gifts to their foundation since 2006 — a remarkable $43 billion to date.

“Wealthy people don’t tend to give their money to other people to give away,” said James Ferris, founding director of the Center on Philanthro­py and Public Policy at the University of Southern California. But many of the wealthiest people are also hesitant to hand over their fortunes to the next generation over concerns that it hampers their ingenuity, he said.

Ferris thinks the story of Buffett’s changing philanthro­pic intentions is a positive one. “It shows how a donor is making choices and is adapting to circumstan­ces.”

The Gates Foundation did not say when it learned of Buffett’s decision or what the impact will be on its budget.

Over the years, Buffett gave the Gates Foundation large annual donations, but also donated billions to foundation­s run by his three children and a fourth family foundation. Their work offers some insight into the priorities of the next generation of Buffetts.

The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, named after Warren Buffett’s first wife, is the largest in terms of donations. It supports organizati­ons that provide reproducti­ve health care and access to contracept­ion and abortion around the world. Susie Buffett, 71, is its board chair and Peter Buffett, 66, is a board member.

Peter Buffett’s NoVo Foundation has been an important funder of organizati­ons advocating for the autonomy of girls and women and against gender-based violence. In 2020, Peter and his wife, Jennifer, decided to reorient their focus, expanding their support for Native American communitie­s and projects to build sustainabl­e, local communitie­s with a focus on agricultur­e and food access.

In a relatively rare interview for a family that seldom makes time to speak with the media, Howard Buffett, 69, said he couldn’t predict exactly how he and his siblings would give away their father’s fortune. However, he said they would continue to take risks and find ways to make the biggest difference as their father recommende­d.

“I can tell you, we’ll sit down in a room when the time comes, and we’ll get it figured out pretty quickly,” he said.

FILE PHOTO ?? Peter Buffett, left, Warren Buffett and Susie Buffett in New York in 2017. The Berkshire Hathaway boss announced in June he would donate his nearly $144 billion (U.S.) fortune to a charitable trust managed by Peter, Susie and third child Howard when he dies instead of giving it to the Gates Foundation.
CHARLES SYKES THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO Peter Buffett, left, Warren Buffett and Susie Buffett in New York in 2017. The Berkshire Hathaway boss announced in June he would donate his nearly $144 billion (U.S.) fortune to a charitable trust managed by Peter, Susie and third child Howard when he dies instead of giving it to the Gates Foundation.

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