Times Colonist

Carlton House Leads the Way in Fall Prevention for Seniors


At Carlton House, a retirement home known for its vibrant community and commitment to resident safety, fall prevention is a top priority. As part of their ongoing efforts, the team recently brought in Dr. Jennifer McNeill, chiropract­or and instructor, to lead a series of exercise sessions over the past three months. The sessions focused on strategies to reduce the risk of falls—an issue that poses a significan­t threat to the health and independen­ce of older adults.

“Falls can lead to serious complicati­ons for seniors, such as broken bones or long-term disabiliti­es,” says Dr. McNeill. “Our goal is to empower residents with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe and maintain their independen­ce.” Her sessions included practical exercises to build strength and improve balance, along with strategies for getting back up after a fall.

In wrapping up her sessions at the independen­t living community, Dr. McNeill shares her top five tips for fall prevention:

Keep your legs strong and mobile via exercise classes and regular walking.

Fall-proof your home with rails, grab-bars, and non-slip mats. Clear the path from bed to your bathroom, remove area rugs, put bells on pets, avoid flip-flops.

Review your medication­s with a doctor.

Get regular eye and ear checkups.

A walker is a guide, not a crutch. Stand up straight when walking with it and look ahead. Don’t lean in and look down.

With these sessions complete, the program will be moving on to its next offering of expert fall prevention advice with a talk from an optometry specialist this month. Carlton House will also be working with its in-house fitness instructor to offer biannual fitness testing. These assessment­s will allow residents to track their progress and stay motivated with personaliz­ed fitness benchmarks.

As Carlton House expands its fall prevention efforts, it’s clear that resident safety and wellbeing are at the forefront of their mission. By combining expert guidance, ongoing support, and a commitment to proactive care, Carlton House isn’t just helping to prevent falls—they’re fostering a community where residents are empowered, supported, and independen­t in their daily lives.

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 ?? ?? Keep your legs strong and mobile via exercise classes and regular walking.
Keep your legs strong and mobile via exercise classes and regular walking.
 ?? ?? Dr. Jennifer McNeill, chiropract­or and instructor,
Dr. Jennifer McNeill, chiropract­or and instructor,

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