Times Colonist

Video shows officers dragged Hill out of his car


A police officer dragged Miami Dolphins wide receiver Tyreek Hill out of his sports car by his arm and head and then forced him face-first onto the ground after Hill put up the window of his car during a traffic stop before Sunday’s game, body camera video released Monday shows.

The video showed that the altercatio­n between the MiamiDade County officers and Hill escalated quickly. The officers cursed at Hill but he did not resist their physical force or strike at them. He did tell one officer, “Don’t tell me what to do.” Six officers’ body camera videos have been released.

Police Director Stephanie Davis said the tape would normally not be released while the investigat­ion is ongoing, but she wanted to demonstrat­e the department’s “commitment to transparen­cy and maintainin­g public trust.”

In a CNN interview later Monday night, the 30-year-old

NFL star said he was “embarrasse­d” and “shell-shocked” by the situation.

Video shows that two motorcycle officers went after Hill after he appeared to speed past them at in his McLaren sports car on the roadway entering Hard Rock Stadium in light traffic — they later said they clocked him at 60 mph (97 km/h). They turned on their lights and pulled Hill over. One knocked on the driver’s window and told him to put it down, which Hill did and handed him his driver’s licence.

“Don’t knock on my window like that,” Hill told the officer repeatedly.

“I have to knock to let you know I am here,” the officer told Hill.

“Just give me my ticket, bro, so I can go. I am going to be late. Do what you gotta do,” Hill told the officer while putting his darkly tinted window back up.

“Keep your window down,” the officer told him, again tapping on the glass.

Hill told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins he did roll his window back up, citing concern about drawing unwanted attention to himself.

“If I let my window down, people walking by, driving by, they’re going to notice that it’s me,” Hill said. “And they’re going to start taking pictures, and I didn’t want to create a scene at all. Like, I just really wanted to get the ticket and then go on about my way.”

The officer again told Hill to put his window back down or “I am going to get you out of the car. As a matter of fact, get out of the car.”

Another officer stepped up and said, “Get out of the car or I will break that … window,” using an obscenity.

The door opened and the second officer reached in and grabbed Hill by the arm and the back of the head as the player said, “I am getting out.”

The second officer forced Hill face-first onto the ground. Three officers pulled Hill’s arms behind his back as Hill yelled into his cellphone, “I am getting arrested Drew,” talking to the Dolphins’ director of security, Drew Brooks.

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