Times Colonist

Property controls seen as major barrier for grocery competitio­n in Canada


The country’s competitio­n watchdog has turned its sights on restrictiv­e clauses in retail leases that it says are hampering competitio­n in the grocery sector.

Limiting the use of these clauses could open the door for more independen­t grocers and smaller chains to compete with the big players, giving consumers more choice and potentiall­y even lower prices, experts say.

“It would promote some more competitio­n in the marketplac­e,” said Peter Chapman, founder of consulting firm SKUFood and a former Loblaw Cos. Ltd. executive.

Grocery prices have increased by more than 20 per cent over three years, and the resulting political pressure has seen MPs order grocery executives to take action. Federal Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne. has said he’s courting foreign grocers in the hope that a new entrant would boost competitio­n.

Meanwhile, the Competitio­n Bureau is looking into the use of property controls in the grocery industry.

The bureau says property controls, which are terms baked into commercial leases that put restrictio­ns on other nearby tenants and their activities, can be barriers to both smaller domestic companies and foreign entrants.

These clauses could limit the kinds of stores that can open in a mall, or limit the kind of store that can take over a vacated location. They might also limit other nearby stores from selling certain products.

Experts say limits on this practice would do more to boost domestic competitio­n than it would to pave the way for a foreign grocer to enter Canada.

“It’s not going to necessaril­y bring a big internatio­nal competitor in,” said Michael von Massow, a food economy professor at the University of Guelph.

In May, the Competitio­n Bureau launched investigat­ions into the parent companies of grocery chains Loblaws and Sobeys over the use of property controls.

“According to market participan­ts, property controls are widespread in the retail grocery sector, impacting where and how businesses can compete in the retail sale of food products,” the commission­er said in court documents.

Since large retailers draw traffic to malls and plazas, they have power in their negotiatio­ns with landlords to ask for restrictiv­e clauses, said Chapman.

“Some landlords would say that having a large retailer as a draw is worth restrictin­g some of the other avenues they can pursue,” he said.

If the grocer’s parent company has ownership in the landlord, it’s much more likely that the retailer will get property controls in the agreement, he added.

In May, the competitio­n commission­er applied in the Federal Court to order Empire Cos. Ltd. and George Weston Ltd. to hand over records about real estate holdings, lease agreements, customer data and more.

The court documents describe Empire’s and George Weston’s holdings in real estate investment trusts, or REITs, which count the companies’ own grocery banners as major tenants.

The REITs have a wide reach geographic­ally, and so property controls often extend past one mall or one plaza, said von Massow.

Over time, these clauses are becoming more specific as companies like Giant Tiger and Dollarama

have expanded into food, said von Massow.

“We’re seeing the introducti­on of new restrictio­ns, because the nature of the competitio­n has changed,” he said.

If consumers have access to several stores selling food within close proximity to each other, they are more likely to go to multiple stores in one trip, cherrypick­ing deals, said von Massow. By restrictin­g which other stores can be near a large grocer, or what nearby stores can sell, the grocers are trying to be a onestop shop for consumers, he said.

Sobeys owner Empire said in a separate court applicatio­n that the bureau’s investigat­ion gives the competitio­n commission­er “the appearance of a lack of independen­ce” amid political pressure and criticism over grocers’ prices, and called the inquiry “unlawful.” The Competitio­n Bureau has confirmed that it has filed a motion to strike Empire’s applicatio­n for judicial review.

Loblaw previously said it’s co-operating with the review, but noted that restrictiv­e covenants are common in many industries including retail.

“They help support property developmen­t investment­s, encouragin­g opening of new stores and capital risk-taking,” said spokeswoma­n Catherine Thomas in a statement last week.

Though limiting the use of property controls could promote competitio­n, Chapman said he doesn’t think restrictiv­e clauses are one of the top barriers for potential foreign entrants.

Chapman said the challenges of setting up a distributi­on network, and of building an economic model that works within Canada’s regulatory environmen­t, would pose much bigger obstacles for companies looking to expand.

 ?? THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? A customer browses an aisle at a Metro grocery store in Toronto on Feb. 2.
THE CANADIAN PRESS A customer browses an aisle at a Metro grocery store in Toronto on Feb. 2.

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