Times Colonist

Conservati­ve attacks on Speakers pattern of intimidati­on: Liberals, NDP


— The federal Liberals and NDP say conservati­ve politician­s are displaying a pattern of attacks against Speakers’ independen­ce.

The accusation comes a day after the federal Conservati­ves tried, and failed, for the third time to get House of Commons Speaker Greg Fergus to resign over allegation­s he is too partisan.

Their attempts are designed to intimidate and delay House work, government House leader Steven MacKinnon said.

“The fact is that this culture of intimidati­ng the chair is something we have seen in other legislatur­es and I think Canadians are rightly horrified by it,” he said.

His NDP counterpar­t Peter Julian said there’s a “disturbing undercurre­nt” in Ottawa and in Saskatchew­an by conservati­ves who are attacking independen­t institutio­ns.

Julian drew a connection to Saskatchew­an by linking Jeremy Harrison, former Saskatchew­an Party House leader to federal Conservati­ve Leader Pierre Poilievre. While Poilievre is underminin­g the Speaker in Ottawa, Harrison is doing the same in Regina, Julian charged. “It’s a pattern now,” he said. On May 16, Saskatchew­an’s Speaker Randy Weekes accused several Saskatchew­an Party members and staff, including Harrison, of intimidati­on, including sending him harassing text messages about his rulings. Weekes was elected as a Saskatchew­an Party MLA.

Sebastian Skamski, a spokespers­on for Poilievre, denied any attacks. “This is just another pathetic, desperate attempt by the coalition NDP to distract and play defence for Justin Trudeau and their Liberal masters.”

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