Times Colonist

France’s Macron urges green light for Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with Western weapons


France’s president has joined the head of NATO in pushing for a policy shift that could change the complexion of the war in Ukraine — allowing Kyiv to strike military bases inside Russia with sophistica­ted long-range weapons provided by Western partners.

The question of whether to allow Ukraine to hit targets on Russian soil with Westernsup­plied weaponry has been a delicate issue since Moscow launched its full-scale invasion on Feb. 24, 2022.

Western leaders have mostly shrunk from taking the step because it runs the risk of provoking Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has repeatedly warned that the West’s direct involvemen­t could put the world on a path to nuclear conflict.

But the war has been going Russia’s way recently as the Kremlin’s forces have exploited Ukrainian shortages in troops and ammunition after a lengthy delay in U.S. military aid, and Western Europe’s inadequate military production slowed crucial deliveries to the battlefiel­d.

Russian missiles and bombs have pummelled Ukrainian military positions and civilian areas, including the power grid. Ukraine is facing its hardest test of the war, and untying its hands on long-range weapons could upset the Kremlin. Macron said that France’s position is that “we think we must allow [Ukraine] to neutralize the [Russian] military sites from which the missiles are fired.”

“If we tell [the Ukrainians] you do not have the right to reach the point from which the missiles are fired, we are in fact telling them that we are delivering weapons to you, but you cannot defend yourself,” Macron said late Tuesday on an official visit to Germany. His remarks came a day after NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenber­g urged the alliance’s members to lift some of the restrictio­ns on Ukraine’s use of Western weapons.

“The right to self-defence includes hitting legitimate targets outside Ukraine,” Stoltenber­g said at a NATO meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria, on Monday.

Already, at the start of May, Moscow interprete­d as a threat U.K. Foreign Secretary David Cameron’s comment that Ukraine could use British long-range weapons, such as the Storm Shadow cruise missile, to hit back at Russia.

That, and Macron’s comments that he doesn’t exclude sending troops to Ukraine, prompted Russia to announce it would hold drills involving tactical nuclear weapons. Russia also warned the U.K. government that its decision could bring retaliator­y strikes on British military facilities and equipment on Ukrainian soil.

The leaders are choosing their words carefully. Macron underlined that only Russian bases used to launch missiles against Ukraine should be regarded as legitimate targets — not other Russian bases or civilian infrastruc­ture.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, speaking alongside Macron, was more guarded and noncommitt­al, noting that Ukraine “is allowed to defend itself” under internatio­nal law.

Scholz’s spokespers­on, Steffen Hebestreit, clarified Wednesday that the chancellor meant that Ukraine’s defence “isn’t limited to its territory.”

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