Times Colonist

Warm weather forces city in Quebec to cancel ice-fishing villages for first time


SAGUENAY, Que. — There will be no ice-fishing huts dotting the frozen water near Saguenay, Que., this year after mild winter weather forced authoritie­s to cancel the tradition.

The municipali­ty about 200 kilometres north of Quebec City announced that the ice wasn’t thick enough to open the fishing villages at Anse-à-Benjamin and Grande-Baie, which normally feature hundreds of huts and cabins that are popular with tourists and locals alike.

The news was a huge shock and disappoint­ment to people in the area, said Rémi Aubin, who is president of a local fishing group.

“Ice fishing for the people of the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region is an activity that is not only recreation­al and economic, but also part of the culture of the people here,” he said.

Aubin, who has been fishing through the ice since he was seven years old, said the Saguenay fiord’s spectacula­r landscape, the quaint fishing villages that can reach over 1,000 huts and the presence of saltwater fish such as redfish and halibut combine to create a unique experience that attracts people from around the world and brings millions of dollars to the region.

But beyond the economic spinoffs for hotels, restaurant­s and tourism companies, fishing is a beloved activity passed down from generation to generation and a big part of people’s lives, he said.

“It’s a bit like their winter medicine that makes them feel good,” Aubin said. “For some people, it’s about travelling south in the winter. For them, it’s their fishing hut. So we’ve taken away their happiness, and it even has an impact on people’s mental balance.”

The debate around whether to cancel the season was so heated that Contact Nature, the organizati­on that manages the villages, posted a message on its Facebook page in early February pleading for respect amid what it called “defamatory allegation­s and personal attacks.” On Monday, calls to the organizati­on went to voice mail, with a message saying it was receiving too many calls to answer them promptly.

Dominic Arseneau, a spokesman for the city of Saguenay, said the decision to cancel wasn’t made lightly.

He said the ice at one site was about 27 centimetre­s thick — short of the 30 centimetre­s minimum for large vehicles and huts — while at the other site it was only about 20 centimetre­s.

“It’s sad. Nobody was happy to make that decision and it was made with a heavy heart, but at the same time we can’t play with people’s safety,” he said.

He noted a survey carried out by the organizati­on that manages the ice villages found that the majority of respondent­s — 58 per cent — preferred not to open for a season lasting four weeks or less.

People who paid to reserve a spot on the ice will be refunded, he said.

 ?? BERNARD BRAULT, THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Some the more than 350 ice fishing cabins on the Ste-Anne river in Ste-Anne-de-la-Pérade, Que. on Jan. 15, 2023.
BERNARD BRAULT, THE CANADIAN PRESS Some the more than 350 ice fishing cabins on the Ste-Anne river in Ste-Anne-de-la-Pérade, Que. on Jan. 15, 2023.

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