Times Colonist

Conservati­ves would renegotiat­e trade deal with Ukraine: MP


OTTAWA — A Tory member of Parliament says a future Conservati­ve government would renegotiat­e Canada’s trade deal with Ukraine so it contains no reference to carbon pricing.

A government bill ushering in a modernized version of the deal passed the House of Commons last week, and the Opposition Conservati­ves were the only party to vote against it.

That’s not because they don’t support Ukraine, according to MPs, but because the deal says both countries will promote carbon pricing.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has repeatedly attacked Pierre Poilievre’s Conservati­ves for their position, accusing them of mimicking Republican­s in the U.S. who want to slash Ukraine aid.

Poilievre has denied the party’s support for Ukraine is waning, and instead accused Trudeau of using the issue to distract from the mounting economic concerns on his plate.

In the face of sustained criticism, Conservati­ve MPs — many of whom hail from Western Canada, a region home to many Ukrainian Canadians — have been pushing in recent weeks for more weapons to be sent to Ukraine.

Manitoba MP James Bezan touted that support during a recent interview to a network that serves the Ukrainian Canadian community.

He explained that the reference to carbon pricing in the trade deal was a Liberal “poison pill” Tories couldn’t support.

“We will not enshrine carbon tax in any of our trade deals, including the one with Ukraine,” Bezan, the party’s national defence critic, told Kontakt Ukrainian TV.

“We form government in the next election, we will renegotiat­e that free-trade agreement.”

He said the new and “better” agreement would also “make sure” that there is more “insurance in there as well.”

A future Conservati­ve government would also ensure that Canada and Ukraine’s defence systems can better collaborat­e, Bezan said, so Ukraine has the capacity to build its own weapons.

After last week’s vote, Poilievre said Conservati­ves wouldn’t honour what he called a “carbon tax amendment,” but stopped short of outlining what he planned to do about the deal.

 ?? CP FILE ?? Conservati­ve MP James Bezan speaks during question period, Oct. 20, 2023, in Ottawa.
CP FILE Conservati­ve MP James Bezan speaks during question period, Oct. 20, 2023, in Ottawa.

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