The Weekly Voice

Amitabh Bachchan: This face that I see now was something else some years ago


Megastar Amitabh Bachchan revealed that he was surprised when he looked into the mirror as he said that the face he sees now was something else some years ago. The cine icon took to his blog, where he shared two pictures of himself from his younger days and now. “Surprised I was when I looked into the mirror; this face that I see now was something else at another time some years ago,” he wrote. He wonders which face his fans, whom he lovingly calls his Extended Family or EF, will relate too, said the star, who meets his them religiousl­y every Sunday at the gates of his home in Mumbai. “I await the call from the GOJ, on yet another Sunday .. and still wonder which face they shall relate to ; those that have given me so much time love and attention, despite the face .. !! I hear the cheers from below my window and comfort myself with hope.” The thespian added: “But life and attention are short lived .. life withers and ends, attention withers and eventually ends too .. there is but one similarity – IT ALL ENDS EVENTUALLY !!” The octogenari­an also spoke about the festivitie­s of Ganapati. “The festivitie­s of Ganapati have begun and the might and care of the mighty saviour are prayed upon for HIS blessings .. may HE guide us all on the path of peace and accomplish­ment .. and bring the years of life with the abundance of happiness .. for happiness is the infinite eventual.” “The cheers were genuine .. the well wishers on their way either to ganpati Poojan by the sea .. or returning from it , so there were numbers .. but the enthusiasm was most valuable .. it changed many a face .. including mine .. ! the ‘sher’ notwithsta­nding,” he concluded the blog.

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