The Peterborough Examiner

Database of local poets launched

Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre hosting Take Back The Night event on Thursday


Poets of Nogojiwano­ng, an online database of local poets and spoken word artists, has been launched by Electric City Culture Council (EC3). The database was curated by Peterborou­gh’s 2023-2024 poet laureate Ziysah von Bieberstei­n, and is a Poet Laureate Legacy Project.

The website lists 30 poets and spoken-word artists located in Peterborou­gh/Nogojiwano­ng, with their names, photo portraits, bios, website and social media links, and contact informatio­n. It is intended for use by poetry fans and also for those booking events. Many of the poets have also included writing prompts to serve as inspiratio­n for those looking to create their own poetry. The website is found at­ng.

In addition to the Poets of Nogojiwano­ng, von Bieberstei­n has made two presentati­ons to Peterborou­gh city council as poet laureate, with a third presentati­on scheduled on Sept. 23.

The Peterborou­gh poet laureate is an honorary position establishe­d by the City of Peterborou­gh to recognize the excellence and outstandin­g achievemen­ts of profession­al poets living and working in Peterborou­gh, and to strengthen and enhance our civic identity and community well-being. A call for nomination­s for Peterborou­gh’s third poet laureate will be announced in the coming months.

Take Back The Night is the oldest worldwide movement to stand against all forms of sexual violence and to support survivors in their healing journeys

Alzheimer education

St. Paul’s Presbyteri­an Church is partnering with the Alzheimer Society to present a free public education event on Wednesday at 1 p.m.

Talia Nepotiuk, community engagement co-ordinator with the Peterborou­gh, Kawartha Lakes, Northumber­land and Haliburton branch of the Alzheimer Society, will discuss the most common signs of Alzheimer’s disease and what steps to take if you are concerned about yourself, or someone you know.

This is a free event, but those interested in attending are asked to RSVP by emailing office@stpaulspet­ or by calling 705-745-1411.

Take Back The Night

The Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre is hosting Take Back The Night 2024: Shatter The Silence on Thursday in the courtyard of Peterborou­gh Square, 360 George St. Beginning at 3 p.m. there will be tabling of local community organizati­ons and vendors, and poster-making. Opening words, speakers, and performers take centre stage at 6:30 p.m.

A candle lighting takes place at 7:45 p.m. and a march through downtown Peterborou­gh begins at 8 p.m. Take Back The Night is the oldest worldwide movement to stand against all forms of sexual violence and to support survivors in their healing journeys. For more informatio­n, please visit @kawartha_sac on Instagram or Facebook. All are welcome.

Public lecture

Trent University presents the Max Eisen Lecture in Holocaust Studies on Monday Sept. 23 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Market Hall Performanc­e Centre.

In the free, public lecture Dr. Peter Suedfeld will present a talk titled “The Shattering of the Assumptive World: A Family Story.” Suedfeld was born in Hungary, and in the 1940s, his Jewish family was forcibly scattered by the Nazi occupiers. Many relatives, including his mother, died in Auschwitz. After the war, the survivors reunited.

Suedfeld survived in an orphanage, as a hidden child with false documents. He moved to Canada in 1972 and, until his retirement, worked as a professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of British Columbia. Most of his research examines how human beings cope and thrive despite challengin­g, adverse, dangerous, and even traumatic circumstan­ces. Among many other honours, he is an officer of the Order of Canada.

Please visit for more informatio­n.

CFUW open house

CFUW Peterborou­gh, an organizati­on of woman who support women’s rights and education, is having an open house on Thursday Sept. 26 at 4 p.m. at Knights of Columbus, 317 Hunter St. W.

This is an opportunit­y to meet and become involved with a group of active, engaged women, and discover the CFUW special interest groups. New members are welcome. A Wee Wok Chinese buffet will be served. Reservatio­ns are necessary and can be made by sending an email to cfupeterbo­

 ?? ELECTRIC CITY CULTURE COUNCIL PHOTO ?? Learn about 30 local poets and spoken-word artists, including from left, PJ Thomas, Derek Newman-Stille, and Thamer Rose Linklater, using the new Poets of Nogojiwano­ng online database. The project was curated by Peterborou­gh’s 2023-2024 poet laureate Ziysah von Bieberstei­n and launched by Electric City Culture Council.
ELECTRIC CITY CULTURE COUNCIL PHOTO Learn about 30 local poets and spoken-word artists, including from left, PJ Thomas, Derek Newman-Stille, and Thamer Rose Linklater, using the new Poets of Nogojiwano­ng online database. The project was curated by Peterborou­gh’s 2023-2024 poet laureate Ziysah von Bieberstei­n and launched by Electric City Culture Council.
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