The Peterborough Examiner

New Fireside Chats to feature 200-year-old songs

Plus, learning in leisure and willow weaving


Trent Valley Archives (TVA) presents its new series, Fireside Chats, featuring a combinatio­n of words and music co-ordinated by noted musician Allan Kirby and his colleagues in the arts, culture and heritage community. The Chats take place Tuesdays, Sept. 24, Oct. 8, and Oct. 22 at 7:15 p.m. at TVA, located at 567 Carnegie Ave.

The Sept. 24 session focuses on academic song-collecting in the Trent Valley and the stories behind these folk songs, sung from 18251925 and collected by scholars Edith Fawke, Maude Kapeles and Niles Puckett. Kirby will give the presentati­on while singers Rob Cory and Rob Niezen perform samples of the 200-year-old songs.

The Oct. 8 second chat focuses on documentar­y filmmaking capturing the history of rural Ontario. Filmmaker Nick van der Graff will speak about the methodolog­y used while Kirby and Cory present the musical element.

The third and final chat Oct. 22 features stories and songs of the murder and mayhem found in rural Ontario in the 19th century. Musical accompanim­ent will be provided by Cory, Niezen and Kirby.

Each chat will be followed by a question-and-answer period with the presenters. Refreshmen­ts will be provided.

The cost is $20 for each session and tickets are required in advance. Purchase your tickets online by visiting trentvalle­ For questions about the series or help purchasing tickets, email admin@trentvalle­ or call 705-7454404.

Learning in Leisure

Learning in Leisure’s fall season begins Tuesday, Sept. 24 and runs for 10 weeks. This member-run group offers interestin­g guest speakers on a wide variety of topics for those with a zest for learning and broadening their horizons.

Meetings are held from 9 a.m. until noon in the auditorium of St. Stephen’s Presbyteri­an Church, located at 1140 St. Paul’s St. Each session has two guest speakers, with a coffee and cookie break between presentati­ons to allow members and guests an opportunit­y to socialize in a friendly atmosphere.

Speakers and topics for the fall session include:

Sept. 24 Rick Stankewicz (The Past Year of Solar Eclipses); Sheila Burns (PrimRose Donkey Sanctuary).

Oct. 1 Alison Morris and Jeff Berthelett­e (OFAH Invading Species); Gavin Muir (Heard Not Seen: A Voice Actor’s Life).

Oct. 8 George Gillespie (board of directors, Peterborou­gh Petes); Brenda Steed (Maple Syrup Production).

Oct. 15 Cpl. Andrea Gillespie (My Life in the RCMP); James Gillespie (Navigating Advanced Road Safety).

Oct. 22 Dave Ellis (Nature at its Best); Michael Newnham (conductor, What is a maestro and what do they do?).

Oct. 29 Lois Tuffin (Founder Volunteer Peterborou­gh); Shelley Willis (Farm Life with Clementine James Acres).

Nov. 5 Pete Dalliday (Radio Host by Day, Sports Announcer by Night); Jennie Knopp (A Journey of Protecting Canada’s Northern Oceans).

Nov. 12 Kim Blackwell (Managing Artistic Director 4th Line Theatre); Altaire Gural (author of the play “Forgotten”).

Nov. 19 Celeste Scopelites (Director, Art Galley of Peterborou­gh; 50 Years and Going Strong!); Jerry Ouellette (CHAGA Health and Wellness).

Nov. 26 Aimee O’Reilly (Hospice Peterborou­gh in Our Community); Tina Thornton (The Journey of Care, YWCA).

The cost is $50 for the full 10 weeks or you can pay $7 and come as an occasional guest. Please luga-mug for the break.

Further informatio­n on the group and a complete list of speakers can be found by visiting learningin­

Willow Weaving

The Seasoned Spoon Café at Trent University is hosting a Willow Weaving workshop, with Sammy from Bendy Farm and SAF on Sept. 23 from 5 until 8 p.m.

Learn to grow, prepare and weave with willow. Participan­ts will create a small platter. Bring pruning shears if you have them, and wear clothes that can get dirty.

The cost is $5. Register here.

For further informatio­n email spoonvolun­

The Seasoned Spoon, located at Champlain College, 1600 West Bank Dr., is a non-profit, vegetarian, co-operative café committed to serving locally, and whenever possible, organicall­y sourced food at affordable prices.

Valley Archives new series, Fireside Chats, features words and music with Allan Kirby and colleagues from the arts, culture and heritage community.
TRENT VALLEY ARCHIVES PHOTO The Trent Valley Archives new series, Fireside Chats, features words and music with Allan Kirby and colleagues from the arts, culture and heritage community.
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