The Peterborough Examiner

Grateful for free midday show by Canada’s Snowbirds

Getting treated to a free air show made me reflect on the other good things in my day


The roar from the air traffic over the house drew me to the window. Was that a red plane flying sideways past the trees?

As a matter of fact, it was.

The hamlet of Stewart Hall doesn’t see a lot of excitement, but the unexpected show by Canada’s Snowbirds Wednesday at noon certainly livened things up.

We watched in awe as nine pilots created loops, drew a giant heart and flew with such precision and grace. It was the first big show like this since 2019 for me and my neighbours.

As I stood at the side of the road for a better view, I ran through a list of reasons to be grateful for where I am and what I was experienci­ng. For starters:

■ Working from home so I didn’t miss the show.

■ The flexibilit­y in my days to stop writing and step outside in the sunshine for this entertainm­ent.

■ Enjoying the show with my sweet husband, who arrived home just in time.

■ The nice people I met along the road, who were just as jazzed as us.

Under other circumstan­ces, I would have been out at Trent University’s Volunteer Expo this day. However, a wonderful group of ambassador­s stepped up to take on that task on behalf of Volunteer Peterborou­gh. Their generosity freed me up to do some fundraisin­g for the group.

Based on the photos and cheery messages they sent, they looked like they had a blast. That infectious energy drives the power of the nonprofit we created last year that matches countless organizati­ons with the helpers they need.

From there, I thought about how the roar of a fighter jet would echo very differentl­y for the people in Ukraine, Russia or the Middle East. That made me appreciate living in a country where peaceful days are the norm. I cannot even imagine the terror of fearing for your life every day.

Next, I silently thanked Canada for investing in aspiration­al things that made our lives richer. On top of the Snowbirds, our government­s support parks, arts group, galleries and fabulous museums, to name a few.

We often complain about decisions by elected officials and government workers. If you look around the world, you realize how other individual­s live under authoritar­ian regimes that restrict their rights.

Here, we get to vote in elections that we trust. We can get health care without going bankrupt. Women can show their hair and faces in public without getting beaten or arrested.

Think about these freedoms for a moment.

Every time I drive by the flag-wavers outside city hall each Saturday, I wish they would do the same. They ask for more freedoms without processing that they are exercising their right to protest without anyone making them stop.

Clearly, they don’t appreciate what they have.

In general, it’s getting harder to listen to and read the petty complaints of those who see the world as against them. For those who are unhoused and hungry, you have every right to argue for a safe place to live and affordable food.

But if you got cut off in traffic or were served the wrong coffee, you will probably recover. Maybe the other person was having a bad day. Putting your energy into what went wrong won’t make yours any brighter.

Instead, you could stop to revel in the clean air you breathe and how you can drink water without worrying about it killing you.

On Wednesday, I felt far better after creating my list.

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 ?? TRENT GERVAIS PHOTO ?? The Snowbirds performed an impromptu show over Peterborou­gh Wednesday.
Canada’s Snowbirds make a heart in the sky over Peterborou­gh during an impromptu show Wednesday.
TRENT GERVAIS PHOTO The Snowbirds performed an impromptu show over Peterborou­gh Wednesday. Canada’s Snowbirds make a heart in the sky over Peterborou­gh during an impromptu show Wednesday.
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