The Peterborough Examiner

Local archer and coach receive special grant

Amelia Gagné and Jess Ashton are part of a group of 55 up-and-coming athlete-mentor duos receiving Petro-Canada FACE money and they hope to represent our country at the Olympics


Archer Amelia Gagné and her coach, Jess Ashton, have been selected to receive the Petro-Canada FACE (Fuelling Athlete and Coaching Excellence) grant.

The pair are part of a group of 55 Canadian athlete-coach duos getting the grant and they hope to represent Canada at the Olympics.

Gagné and Ashton were nominated by Archery Canada and are the only archery athlete-coach pair to receive the grant. Each National Sport Organizati­on across Canada has the opportunit­y to nominate athletes and coaches based on their pathway toward future Olympic events.

Gagné and Ashton are both from around Peterborou­gh and train in the area. The developmen­t of the sport of archery in the region has had challenges starting with the closure of a nearby facility in 2019 leaving competitiv­e archers with limited options to train. They currently train nearby at Red Head Archery, a new facility in Douro Dummer that opened in 2021.

The two have been able to continue to work together through perseveran­ce. They worked together at the 2023 Canada Winter Games and competed in the Youth and Masters Pan American Championsh­ips in 2024 in El Salvador. In September, they will be headed to the World Archery Championsh­ips in Alberta.

“I am so grateful to have received this funding from Petro-Canada,” stated Gagné, in a Peterborou­gh Archers news release. “The money will allow me to participat­e in more internatio­nal tournament­s and assist with equipment upgrades. This will greatly benefit my progressio­n in archery and in achieving my goals as a high-performanc­e archer.”

“As a woman who has grown up in this sport, as a previous competitiv­e archer myself, I understand the time, dedication and countless hours of work that go behind highperfor­mance archery,” said Ashton. “Programs like the Petro-Canada FACE program are invaluable for athlete developmen­t as we work toward Amelia’s Olympic goals.”

Potential Canadian Olympic and Paralympic athletes are awarded a $10,000 FACE grant to help them along their journey. The grants are often used for training, equipment, coach education and travel expenses for competitio­ns. Since 1988, the fund has provided more than $14 million in support to Canadian athletes and coaches.

 ?? PETERBOROU­GH ARCHERS PHOTO ?? Jess Ashton, left, and Amelia Gagné are pictured at the Masters Pan American Championsh­ips.
PETERBOROU­GH ARCHERS PHOTO Jess Ashton, left, and Amelia Gagné are pictured at the Masters Pan American Championsh­ips.
 ?? ?? Amelia Gagné competes.
Amelia Gagné competes.

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