The Peterborough Examiner

Meet Peterborou­gh author Erica Richmond


Meet Erica Richmond, local author of the Pixie Series, at the Peterborou­gh Public Library at a family-friendly Meet The Author workshop on Thursday at 2 p.m.

The Pixie Series consists of two books: “Pixie and the Bees” and “Pixie and the Fox.” They follow the journey of Pixie, who must learn how to understand and tackle complex feelings and experience­s. In the workshop, Richmond will read from both books, talk about why she wrote them, and encourage the audience to share their own stories. There will also be a creativity activity suitable for all ages.

The Peterborou­gh Public Library is located at 345 Aylmer St. and this event take place in the Story Corner. For more informatio­n, please visit ptbolibrar­ or call 705-745-5382 ext. 2340.

Peterborou­gh Musicfest

Grab a blanket or lawn chair and bug spray, and enjoy a Musicfest concert at Del Crary Park, 100 George St.

On Wednesday, Metric, a Canadian Indie rock band founded in Toronto, takes to the stage. On Saturday, the Beau Dixon Band will be performing. Dixon, who was born in Detroit, Michigan, the birthplace of Motown, currently has a recording studio in Peterborou­gh and is music director at Lakefield College School. Musicfest concerts begin at 8 p.m. and admission is free. Please visit ptbomusicf­ for more informatio­n.

Genealogy research help

Are you interested in learning more about genealogy and the lives of the people on your family tree? Experience­d researcher­s from the Kawartha Branch of the Ontario Ancestors, a branch of the Ontario Genealogic­al Society (OGS), are here to help. OGS volunteers will guide you informatio­n in the Peterborou­gh Public Library’s combined local history and genealogy collection and online tools and resources. To make an appointmen­t with a volunteer, please email

Nature By Bike Ride

The Peterborou­gh Community Bike Shop and the Peterborou­gh Field Naturalist­s have teamed up to offer the Nature By Bike Ride on Saturday at 10 a.m. This free event includes a group bike ride north on the Rotary Trail towards Trent and nature identifica­tion. Riders should meet on the Rotary Trail at Auburn and Parkhill Streets.

For more informatio­n, visit communityb­ or call 705775-7227.

Movies at the library

Enjoy free family-friends movies and popcorn at the Peterborou­gh Public Library on Monday mornings throughout the summer. Robot Dreams (rated G, 102 minutes) screens on Monday, July 22 at 10:30 a.m. This event takes place in the air-conditione­d Community Room in the lower level of the library, 345 Aylmer St. For more informatio­n, visit ptbolibrar­ or call 705-745-5382 ext. 2340.

Charlotte Street West survey

The City of Peterborou­gh is assessing Charlotte Street between Park and Aylmer Streets to develop options for an enhanced streetscap­e design. The goal is to create a safer, more vibrant streetscap­e that benefits everyone. As part of the project, the public is invited to complete a survey and provide input and feedback. The survey intents to collection informatio­n on how this section of Charlotte Street is used, public experience­s while using this section of Charlotte Street, and ideas for the future of this area. To complete the survey online, visit connectptb­ Paper copies are also available at City Hall and the Peterborou­gh Public Library. Surveys should be completed by July 28.

For more informatio­n, please email charlottes­treet@peterborou­ or call 705-742-7777 ext. 1505.

 ?? ERICA RICHMOND PHOTO ?? Author Erica Richmond, shown here with her book “Pixie and the Fox,” and facility dog Pixie with the Peterborou­gh Police Victim Services Unit, will be reading from her books at a meet the author event at the Peterborou­gh Public Library on Thursday at 2 p.m.
ERICA RICHMOND PHOTO Author Erica Richmond, shown here with her book “Pixie and the Fox,” and facility dog Pixie with the Peterborou­gh Police Victim Services Unit, will be reading from her books at a meet the author event at the Peterborou­gh Public Library on Thursday at 2 p.m.
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