The Peterborough Examiner

White nationalis­t facing new charges

Kevin Goudreau has been arrested for allegedly burning a Pride flag


In 2023, a judge found Kevin Goudreau guilty of uttering death threats and criminal harassment in connection to a hate-filled tirade

Peterborou­gh white nationalis­t Kevin Goudreau has been arrested for allegedly burning a Pride flag while screaming homophobic slurs last Friday.

The Peterborou­gh Police Service has classified the reported incident as a hate crime.

On Tuesday, Peterborou­gh police issued a media release stating they had charged a 48-year-old with two counts of criminal harassment, theft under $5,000, possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000, mischief under $5,000 and two counts of fail to comply with probation in relation to the incident.

The charges have not been proven in court.

In accordance with their policy, police didn’t name Goudreau, but court documents obtained by Metroland confirm Goudreau is the accused in the alleged incident.

Goudreau’s arrest comes after he was sentenced to a 60-day intermitte­nt jail sentence for shouting “Heil Hitler” and various offensive homophobic, misogynist, and racial epithets during a drunken rant towards a same-sex couple in March 2022.

Sentencing Judge Brenda Green also tried to silence Goudreau by limiting his freedom of expression in public places.

The 12-month probation order forbids Goudreau from uttering words, wearing clothing or holding signs that express, have, or depict any racial, ethnic, antisemiti­c, homophobic slurs and/or threats of violence or death.

Further, Goudreau was ordered not to voice or depict any Nazi slogans, including but not limited to “Heil Hitler.”

In December 2023, Green found Goudreau guilty of uttering death threats and criminal harassment in connection to a hate-filled tirade.

In her decision, Green said the restrictio­ns on Goudreau’s freedom of expression are punitive, but that isn’t the primary goal of her order.

“The terms are intended to ensure that he does not victimize other vulnerable members of the gay community, as well as other residents who should feel safe, secure and protected from further verbal barrages,” Green stated.

In her finding of guilt, Green said Goudreau has the right to freely express his opinions, no matter how distastefu­l they may be to other members of the community and

the court — however, freedom of expression is not an unqualifie­d right, she added.

“It is intended to be a shield, not a sword that permits harming other people with words,” she explained in December 2023.

“Mr. Goudreau crossed an easily identifiab­le line between exercising his constituti­onally protected rights to infringing the rights of the victims (names omitted) to be free from threats and criminal harassment, especially within the safety of and security of their own home,” she added.

Green noted Goudreau’s morally repugnant words and ideology the night of the offences were not isolated or spontaneou­s declaratio­ns of hate and bigotry.

“He has a large swastika tattooed on his chest, which speaks volumes about the depths of his ignorance and callous disregard for the devastatio­n associated with this offensive symbol,” she said.

Goudreau, who represente­d himself during sentencing, submitted that he has had the tattoo for 25 years and he is not the same person anymore. He told the court that if he could afford to have it removed, he would do so.

Goudreau remains in custody after his latest arrest and returns to court on July 5.

 ?? ?? Protester Kevin Goudreau is confronted by supporters as local drag queen performer Betty Baker reads to children during her storytime for children event at the library last year.
Protester Kevin Goudreau is confronted by supporters as local drag queen performer Betty Baker reads to children during her storytime for children event at the library last year.

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