The Peterborough Examiner

Norwood shows its Pride

Township recently hosted a colourful ribbon cutting


The Township of Asphodel-Norwood recently hosted a colourful ribbon-cutting ceremony, officially celebratin­g the installati­on of a new Pride bench that is now situated along the edge of the river in the Lion’s Park.

The project was organized by the Norwood Pride Committee and, according to the township’s official release, “underscore­s the township’s commitment to fostering a welcoming environmen­t that embraces diversity and promotes equality for all.”

The new bench is painted in vibrant rainbow colours symbolizin­g LGBTQ+ pride.

“The Pride bench serves as a visible testament to Asphodel-Norwood’s dedication to inclusivit­y. It provides a meaningful space where individual­s from all walks of life can gather, reflect, and find community support.”

The time of the unveiling was of course appropriat­e, as June was officially Pride month, however it also makes an excellent segue to announce the return of Norwood’s annual Small Town Pride Event on Sunday, July 14 from noon until 4 p.m. at the Norwood Legion.

This year the theme is “The Rainbow Connection.” Organized as a community fun day, the event is an opportunit­y to celebrate the LGBTQ community in the Township of Asphodel-Norwood and revel in the village’s rich diversity.

Storytelle­r and performer Betty Baker will be providing some entertainm­ent. All are welcome to come and enjoy the music, barbecue, a few libations from the bar and, of course, cake.

Norwood’s first Pride event was held in 2017 (at the legion) with nearly 300 people attending. Accounting for the pandemic hiatus, this year’s celebratio­n will be the sixth for Norwood.

Legion Events

Besides hosting Norwood Pride on July 14, the Norwood Legion has a full schedule of events planned for the coming weeks.

Every Thursday from 4:30 to 7 p.m. is wing night. Offering up a large variety of flavours and sauces, breaded or naked wings, as well french fries and a selection of other deep fried delicacies, the kitchen is usually a pretty busy spot, so placing your order early is a good idea.

On Friday, July 19 the Legion’s annual fish fry will be happening starting at 5 p.m. The popular event has been an anticipate­d community event for many years.

The following day, Saturday, July 20, the legion will host the band Keene County for a live performanc­e on stage from 2 to 6 p.m. This also happens to be Norwood Jamboree Weekend so there should be lots of country music fans around.

On Friday, Aug. 2 it will host the Norwood Fire and Rescue country dance and on Aug. 10 the band Evolution will be on stage. More on those two events later.

The Norwood Legion is located at 27 Alma St. and can be reached at 705-639-2374.

Fair ambassador time

While it is still a little more than five weeks away, the competitio­n to choose this year’s fair ambassador is well underway. The annual contest marks the unofficial countdown to our greatly anticipate­d Norwood Fall Fair.

This year’s competitio­n will be held on Sunday, Aug. 11 at 2 p.m. in the Asphodel-Norwood Community Centre. Fair organizers are pleased to have four enthusiast­ic competitor­s vying for the coveted title this year. An introducti­on for each of them will be included here in the next few weeks.

Admission to the competitio­n is free and everyone is encouraged to save the date and come out to show their support for the ambassador contenders.

Church yard sale

St. Andrew’s Presbyteri­an Church Norwood, 19 Flora St., will be hosting its annual yard sale this Saturday from 8 a.m. until noon on the church lawn.

Bargain hunters are invited to come and browse through a potluck of items on offer. You may also enjoy a homemade butter tart or other sweet treat and a coffee while you search for a bargain. If you have items you would like to donate, please drop them off at the church on Friday (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or call 705-639-2190 for pickup or for more informatio­n

 ?? ASPHODELNO­RWOOD PHOTO ?? The Township of AsphodelNo­rwood has unveiled a colourful addition to its downtown park, the village’s new Pride Bench. Organized by the
Norwood Pride Committee, the bench provides a pleasant spot to rest and a visual reminder that the town celebrates its diversity.
ASPHODELNO­RWOOD PHOTO The Township of AsphodelNo­rwood has unveiled a colourful addition to its downtown park, the village’s new Pride Bench. Organized by the Norwood Pride Committee, the bench provides a pleasant spot to rest and a visual reminder that the town celebrates its diversity.
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