The Peterborough Examiner

Parade, Musicfest and fireworks: Peterborou­gh celebrates Canada Day


Peterborou­gh celebrated Canada Day with a series of events that attracted thousands of people on Monday.

The July 1 festivitie­s kicked off with the annual Canada Day parade down George Street, followed by a performanc­e by The Road Apples at Peterborou­gh Musicfest. The day was capped off by a dazzling fireworks display over Little Lake.

The 2024 Canada Day Parade kicked off at noon with 30 floats in front of city hall, then travelled south down George Street to Del Crary Park.

People joined the pre-parade activities at Confederat­ion Square across from city hall. Activities included a bike-decorating contest, games and giveaways, including temporary Canada Day tattoos and flags.

The Peterborou­gh Pop Ensemble performed at city hall to lead the crowd in the signing of “O Canada” to kick off the parade procession.

Morello’s Your Independen­t Grocer donated “Happy Birthday Canada” cupcakes to share with the crowd at city hall ahead of the parade

Following the parade, as part of the Canada Day celebratio­ns, a Peterborou­gh Musicfest concert was planned at Del Crary Park starting at 8 p.m. The Road Apples, Canada’s original and premier tribute to the iconic band The Tragically Hip, performed to a packed park of an estimated 11,000 people.

A fireworks display over Little Lake followed the show starting at 9:30 p.m.

The fireworks display was provided by the City of Peterborou­gh.

On Canada Day, we also reflect on our country’s relationsh­ips with Indigenous nations and peoples. We are all treaty people. In Peterborou­gh, we respectful­ly acknowledg­e that we are on the traditiona­l territory of the Mississaug­a Anishinaab­eg.

 ?? ?? The 2024 Canada Day Parade kicked off at noon with 30 floats in front of city hall, then travelled south down George Street to Del Crary Park.
The 2024 Canada Day Parade kicked off at noon with 30 floats in front of city hall, then travelled south down George Street to Del Crary Park.
 ?? CLIFFORD SKARSTEDT METROLAND PHOTOS ?? The Road Apples, Canada’s original and premier tribute to The Tragically Hip, perform during Peterborou­gh Musicfest.
CLIFFORD SKARSTEDT METROLAND PHOTOS The Road Apples, Canada’s original and premier tribute to The Tragically Hip, perform during Peterborou­gh Musicfest.
 ?? ?? Fans soak up the sunny Canada Day weather as the Road Apples, Canada’s original and premier tribute to The Tragically Hip, perform during the Peterborou­gh Musicfest at Del Crary Park in Peterborou­gh on Monday.
Fans soak up the sunny Canada Day weather as the Road Apples, Canada’s original and premier tribute to The Tragically Hip, perform during the Peterborou­gh Musicfest at Del Crary Park in Peterborou­gh on Monday.
 ?? ?? Boats are silhouette­d as the Centennial Fountain frames a fireworks display held over Little Lake. The fireworks display was provided by the City of Peterborou­gh.
Boats are silhouette­d as the Centennial Fountain frames a fireworks display held over Little Lake. The fireworks display was provided by the City of Peterborou­gh.
 ?? ?? Friends Carolyn Smith, left, Tara Alrutz and Matthew Stewart get into the Canada Day spirit on Monday.
Friends Carolyn Smith, left, Tara Alrutz and Matthew Stewart get into the Canada Day spirit on Monday.
 ?? ?? Children wave to a passing float at the Canada Day Parade.
Children wave to a passing float at the Canada Day Parade.

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