The Peterborough Examiner

Utah’s Carcone set to speak in Lakefield

NHL star will join group of panelists for inaugural MVP athlete training program from June 25 to 26


Seeing her nephew Michael Carcone overcome adversity to flourish with the National Hockey League’s former Arizona Coyotes inspired Rev. Dr. Kerrie Perry.

Perry, a minister at Lakefield United Church, has served as Carcone’s life coach as he’s overcome being passed over in the NHL draft and languishin­g in the minor leagues to establish himself with the Coyotes, who are moving to Utah next season, and helping Canada win a gold medal at the 2023 IIHF World Championsh­ip.

It struck Perry that many young athletes could use assistance in striking the right balance between mental, spiritual and physical well-being in their training. She has accumulate­d an all-star cast of speakers for the inaugural MVP athlete training program June 25 to 26 for athletes, coaches and caregivers at Lakefield United Church.

Joining Carcone, who will talk about resiliency, is NHL alumnus and master of ceremonies Doug Gibson, sports physiother­apist Kylie Gibson, dietician Charlotte Hall and Perry, a certified positive intelligen­ce life coach.

The focus will be on holistic athlete developmen­t with speakers addressing topics such as handson meal planning and preparatio­n, injury prevention and recovery, mindfulnes­s, values, mental fitness and workouts. An evening gala will be held for athletes, parents and coaches.

“Sports in general is a place that is focusing critically these days on the mental aspects of the game and in particular, mental health,” said Perry.

“In general society, as well, it’s a critically important piece we don’t have enough resources and facilities to assist people with their basic mental health needs.”

In working with Carcone and other clients outside of her church duties, Perry was surprised at how sometimes the simplest practices are overlooked.

“Sometimes the simple things we can do, things we all know but we don’t practise, can really transform his career,” she said. “When I started working with Michael, he was in the AHL at that time. We started working together and, after about four months, he made it into the NHL for the first time after six years in the AHL. He had success with Team Canada and won a gold medal and I just saw how powerful this was for him. I wanted to be able to offer it to other people. I think parents and coaches need to buy into it and be exposed to it and now there are community resources like ministers and churches, which can really help folks.”

It led to them discussing the potential of an outreach program, “that could connect with the community in a much different way than the church does,” said Perry, noting many young people don’t consider themselves religious but could still benefit from guidance.

Doug Gibson is a member of Perry’s congregati­on and was on board with the idea.

“The goal is to introduce young and emerging elite athletes into a whole health perspectiv­e on their career, life and gifts and talents so they don’t just focus on the physical training. They really pay attention to their dietary needs, injury prevention and recovery and their mental and spiritual health,” Perry said.

The cost for the program is $425 and an additional $25 to attend the gala. To register, call Lakefield United Church at 705-652-3126 or email

 ?? KELSEY GRANT PHOTO ?? Michael Carcone is pictured with the Arizona Coyotes, who are moving to Utah next season. He will speak at Lakefield United Church about resiliency.
KELSEY GRANT PHOTO Michael Carcone is pictured with the Arizona Coyotes, who are moving to Utah next season. He will speak at Lakefield United Church about resiliency.

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