The Peterborough Examiner

School caretaker recognized with Sherry Summerside­s Award


It was the children’s celebratio­n for their caretaker, Ryan Ramage, the winner of the Sherry Summerside­s Award for recognitio­n of the impact they have on the learning, growth and developmen­t of students at Buckhorn Public School.

There were children dressed as Mr. Ramage. The principal, teachers, and many staff were dressed as Mr. Ramage. Blue shirt, blue pants, towel in the back pocket, baseball hat, tattoos on the arm were all part of their costumes.

But more than his work wear is what was said about him. Principal Jennifer Forsythe spoke first and perhaps summed up all the following comments by saying — he lifts people up, he knows the kids names, he takes pride in having a clean and safe school but doesn’t stop there. He freed a trapped skunk. He gets balls off the roof. He took a co-op student fishing on his lunch break. (That co-op student wants to be a caretaker at Buckhorn Public School some day).

Here is the criteria for the award:

1. The individual must have occupied a non-teaching position during the year in which they are being nominated. Mr. Ramage has been at Buckhorn for five years.

2. The nomination must include a specific account of action or activities undertaken by the individual, and its connection to students. He shared a Robert Munsch story with a classroom in which a caretaker was featured. He built a sensory board for a student featuring door knobs with which the student was fascinated.

3. The activity can be work or volunteer related — The activities were all related to being part of the school community and as Mr. Ramage would say, “It is just part of the job.”

4. The individual may be directly or indirectly connected with the activity. For all activities he was there making it happen. Stephanie Cavanagh, lead on the project and Grade 5/6 teacher, said staff could NOT “pass up the opportunit­y” to nominate him.

Board trustee, Diane Lloyd, director of education Rita Russo, and superinten­dent James Brake came to the party. They spoke and added their appreciati­on for a “wonderful employee” and “role model” but also witnessed a great outpouring of love and respect by the students for their caretaker.

Congratula­tions Mr. Ramage. May Buckhorn keep you busy rescuing raccoons and skunks for many more years.

Family Fun Fair

Families from all over the area came to the Buckhorn Public School Family Fun Night. There was definitely something for everyone. Jimmy Chapman was there doing break dancing. Pepper the Clown was making balloon animals for all who wanted one. There was a raffle for Maple Leaf tickets. Each class put together a bin with a particular theme. For example, the kindergart­en which does its wonderful salmon study annually put together a bin with activities and objects dealing with hunting and fishing. If you wanted that bin you would buy tickets and put them in the container next to that bin.

Many other objects were donated by area businesses. Weekends at resorts were available donated by various resorts in the area. Interested people would buy tickets and put their tickets in the container by that item. There was a visit from Trent Lakes Fire and Rescue including a fire engine. There was a free shopping table with gently used clothing.

The Lions Club ran a barbecue with hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks. Mariloo’s Ice Cream donated the ice cream for the ice cream stand. And there was a sale table with baking.

The Fun Fair raised an impressive $8,500 which will be used to enhance children’s learning experience­s in the 2024/2025 school year.

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Mr. Ramage please stand up? Yes, there were lots of Mr. Ramages in the audience but after listening to the celebratio­n for the winner of the Sherry Summerside­s Award it would take many to make up for this one caretaker.
MARLYS KERKMAN PHOTO Will the real Mr. Ramage please stand up? Yes, there were lots of Mr. Ramages in the audience but after listening to the celebratio­n for the winner of the Sherry Summerside­s Award it would take many to make up for this one caretaker.
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