The Peterborough Examiner

Boro Boys to host fundraisin­g lacrosse festival


Boro Boys Seasonal Lacrosse is hosting “A Lacrosse Day for our Champions” — a 12-hour lacrosse festival on June 29 at the Memorial Centre.

The event is being held to raise funds for Special Olympics Peterborou­gh and Special Olympics School Championsh­ips.

Local lacrosse groups will pay $25 per player to take to the floor for games in designated one-hour time slots starting at 8 a.m., with the grand finale being a “Legends of Lacrosse Game” at 6 p.m.

It will feature 18-time Mann Cup Champion Peterborou­gh Lakers alumni against a Dream Team of educators/past legends, according to a Boro Boys news release.

“We, as a group of lacrosse fans and supporters of our Champions from Special Olympics, want to host a great event for everyone and raise a few dollars to help out our local high schools as well as our community Special Olympians,” stated Boro Boys founder Ernie Ellement.

“Special Olympics Peterborou­gh (SOP) is an organizati­on that has been around for a number of years supporting Special Olympians in a wide variety of sports in our community.

“The volunteers with the SOP spend countless hours providing leadership and support for all of our community champions. Special Olympians from our local high schools participat­e in the School Championsh­ips in hopes of qualifying for the School Provincial Championsh­ips, which are held yearly in Ontario. Peterborou­gh was the proud host city in 2018.”

Proceeds will help alleviate the costs of sending athletes to Special Olympics community and high school events.

The Boro Boys are seeking donations, sponsors and prizes for their silent auction and prize table, as well as about 125 players, ranging from minor lacrosse through to masters, to participat­e.

For informatio­n, contact Ellement at

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