The Peterborough Examiner

Help save the Kawartha Wildlife Centre with online auction


Help save the Kawartha Wildlife Centre (KWC) in Ennismore by participat­ing in its online auction that features some fantastic local goods, including art pieces, framed photograph­s, T-shirts and caps, and handmade items. All proceeds raised go to the Save Kawartha Wildlife campaign which will help the centre reopen after it had to temporaril­y close last June due to a volunteer shortfall and the resignatio­n of its authorized wildlife custodian.

Without community support, KWC will be forced to close permanentl­y June 1. This will leave a huge gap in wildlife rehabilita­tion services in Peterborou­gh and the Kawarthas.

The auction closes May 30. Visit­hawildlife to view all auction items and make your bid.

The centre, located at 470 Robinson Rd., in Ennismore, is a volunteer-run wildlife rehabilita­tion centre that provides care for injured, sick, and orphaned wildlife, with the ultimate goal of releasing them back into the wild. It also provides education to the public about wildlife and conservati­on issues. It functions through donations and fundraisin­g efforts.

Before closing, the centre treated more than 2,000 animal patients since opening in 2019.

You can also show your support to help reopen KWC, by making a monetary donation. Visit kawarthawi­ldlifecent­ for details.

The Kawartha Wildlife Centre treated more than 2,000 animal patients of more than 100 species before temporaril­y closing last June. Help support its efforts to reopen by participat­ing in its online auction this month or by making a monetary donation.

Bright Futures Raffle and Dance

The Rotary Club of Peterborou­gh has announced its new fundraiser: Bright Futures, that will support local and internatio­nal Rotary Projects that help individual­s and families to live Brighter Futures. It is a raffle ticket fundraiser with more than $7,500 in prizes.

“Organizers aimed to offer prizes that would appeal to a broad number of adventure-minded people, including a $5,000 travel voucher from Blowes & Stewart Travel, a five-night cottage rental on Catchacoma Lake and a Palusky Kayak and Paddle,” says Amy Simpson, Bright Futures committee co-chair.

The winning tickets will be drawn live at a casual dance party at the McDonnel Street Activity Centre June 8. The evening will include live music with the Patio Stones, a local band, along with snacks, a cash bar and a silent auction. Doors open at 7 p.m., with the draw at 9 p.m. The owners of the winning tickets do not need to be present to win the draw prizes.

“It would certainly add to the excitement to have the winners on site when the big prizes are given away,” said Susan Sharp, fellow cochair for the Bright Futures Committee.

The Rotary Club of Peterborou­gh was establishe­d in 1921 and has more than 70 members. The club has supported many local and internatio­nal activities and events, from its early sponsorshi­p of Five Counties Children’s Centre, The Rotary Spelling Bee and The Prince of Wales School Breakfast Programs to worldwide efforts in polio eradicatio­n, clean water, world peace and literacy. The Rotary Club of Peterborou­gh, which usually meets for lunch two Mondays per month, is one of four clubs in the immediate area and one of more than 46,000 clubs, with 1.4 million members around the world. The club celebrated its 100th anniversar­y April 1, 2021.

Raffle tickets cost $10 each or $20 for three, and dance tickets are $50. To purchase raffle tickets, dance tickets or make a donation for the auction, email contact@peterborou­ Tickets are also available for purchase in person at Grady’s Feet Essentials, 231 King St.

For additional informatio­n about Bright Futures contact Amy Simpson or Susan Sharp by email at contact@peterborou­ or visit peterborou­


PATH (Peterborou­gh Action for Tiny Homes) will have a table set up at the Gilmour Street Yard Sale this year on May 25. Rain date for the event is May 26. Drop by and help support this group in its efforts to help those experienci­ng homelessne­ss.

Concert for Kids


The Peterborou­gh New Horizon Bands (PNHB) presents “The Child in All of Us” concert May 31 at 7 p.m. at Calvary Pentecosta­l Church, 1421 Lansdowne St. W. The Green, Jubilee, Allegro, Skylark and Odyssey concert bands will perform. Concert proceeds will be shared with Five Counties Children’s Centre.

Tickets cost $15 and are available at the door or from a band member.

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