The Peterborough Examiner

Get moving with Seniors in Motion

Sessions boost overall health, strength, mobility


The Seniors in Motion program will run again this summer. Trent Health in Motion, located at the Trent Athletics Centre, and their partners at Mapleridge Recreation Centre, have received funding through the New Horizons for Seniors program to run the Seniors in Motion program during July and August. Informatio­n sessions for the program take place the week of May 27.

Seniors in Motion is a program specifical­ly designed for individual­s aged 60 and over who are seeking to improve their overall health, strength and mobility.

The Seniors in Motion program will take place at the Peterborou­gh Sport and Wellness Centre, located at 775 Brealey Dr. The program, that runs for six weeks, with two sessions per week, begins the week of July 8 and ends the week of Aug. 19.

The program includes a wide range of expert-led exercise sessions and health education workshops. There is an initial and end of program assessment of each participan­t to determine how much, and in what areas of health and functional mobility, they have improved over the course of the program. For complete details of the program sessions visit seniorsinm­

Two informatio­n sessions detailing the specific dates, times and program components will be held during the week of May 27. Sessions run May 27 from 9 until 10 a.m. at Trent Health In Motion, located at Trent University Athletic Centre, 1600 West Bank Dr. and May 30 from 11:15 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. at Mapleridge Recreation Centre, located at 1085 Brealey Dr. Registrati­on for these informatio­n sessions is required. To reserve your spot visit seniorsinm­ and follow the links.

The Seniors in Motion program is limited to 40 participan­ts who must be able to commit to being present for all the sessions. Participan­ts will be randomly selected from those who register.

TVA book launch

A book launch for Dr. Elwood Jones’ latest book “Peterborou­gh’s Unique” will be held Sat., May 25 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Trent Valley Archives, 567 Carnegie Ave.

The book includes a series of 50 stories, defining the unique and special qualities of people who lived and worked in Peterborou­gh. Some of the stories have been previously published in the Peterborou­gh Examiner.

“From the early settlement of the Cumberland settlers of 1818, to the arts of the 19th century in the tale of Pauline Johnson at the Bradburn Opera, to sports through John Corkery’s lacrosse and the commercial ventures of Robert Fair, one will be intrigued by the wide-ranging nature of this book,” reads a release for the event.

Jones, a native of Saskatchew­an, has a PhD from Queen’s University, taught at Trent University for 38 years and is one of the founders of Trent Valley Archives where he continues to contribute. He was also editor of the Heritage Gazette of the Trent Valley for many years.

“Come on out to hear how Dr. Jones decided which tales were his favourites and the adventures he encountere­d while writing about Peterborou­gh.”

The cost of the book is $60.

Also, Jones will be leading a new walk, Hutchinson House Perimeter, on two Sundays, May 26 and June 2. Visit trentvalle­ for details when they become available.

Activity Haven events

Wildlife photograph­er Dave Ellis will give a presentati­on Thursday, May 30 from 2 until 3 p.m. Ellis who hails from Omemee, writes a column on nature photograph­y for the Peterborou­gh Examiner. The cost for the event is $5.

A Lady’s Night Out, with entertainm­ent by singer, musician, and songwriter Georgia Rose, happens Thursday, May 30 at 5 p.m. The dinner menu includes an appetizer bar, breaded lemon chicken, double-stuffed potatoes, honey garlic meatballs, spring rolls, grilled veggie kebabs, stuffed mushrooms, bruschetta and fresh fruit salad.

To register for the above events, call the Activity Haven office at 705-876-1670.

 ?? TRENT HEALTH IN MOTION PHOTO ?? The Seniors in Motion program, presented by Trent Health in Motion and its partners at Mapleridge Recreation Centre, will run again this summer with informatio­n sessions for the program taking place the week of May 27.
TRENT HEALTH IN MOTION PHOTO The Seniors in Motion program, presented by Trent Health in Motion and its partners at Mapleridge Recreation Centre, will run again this summer with informatio­n sessions for the program taking place the week of May 27.
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