The Peterborough Examiner

Family still waiting for action after prison death

‘We don’t want our loved ones in body bags. Is that too much to ask?’ Faqiri brother says


Five months after a coroner’s inquest into the death of a mentally ill man at an Ontario jail, his family said Thursday the province has failed to implement any of the dozens of recommenda­tions aimed at preventing similar deaths in the future.

In December, jurors at the inquest into the death of Soleiman Faqiri issued 57 recommenda­tions meant to improve oversight of the correction­al service and access to mental health care for those in it.

Jurors also ruled Faqiri’s death on Dec. 15, 2016, to be a homicide, a finding his family said brought them validation they had sought for years.

But Faqiri’s brother, Yusuf Faqiri, said Thursday the province has not fulfilled any of the inquest’s recommenda­tions, including what he called the “easiest one,” a call for a statement recognizin­g jails are not an appropriat­e environmen­t for people with significan­t mentalheal­th issues, which came with a 60-day deadline.

“How many tragic deaths and inquests do we need until government­s do their duty to protect our most vulnerable and transform the correction­al system?” he said at a news conference at Queen’s Park.

“This is not a partisan issue. The government needs to stand on the right side of history,” he added. “We don’t want our loved ones in body bags. Is that too much to ask?”

The family is also seeking an apology from the province and Premier Doug Ford for what happened to Soleiman Faqiri.

Solicitor General Michael Kerzner said his ministry has received the inquest jury’s report and is reviewing it, but did not give a timeline for a response to the recommenda­tions. He said the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve government has made “tremendous improvemen­ts” to the correction­al system since taking office.

Kerzner did not answer directly when asked if he would apologize to the Faqiri family or why he didn’t meet with them at the legislatur­e, where they were waiting for him after the news conference. Instead, he said his thoughts are with the family.

“I feel very bad for the family. This is a tragedy, as I said in the legislatur­e, of immeasurab­le proportion,” he said.

Soleiman Faqiri was arrested in early December 2016 after allegedly stabbing a neighbour while

“This is not a partisan issue. The government needs to stand on the right side of history.


experienci­ng a mental-health crisis.

He died after a violent struggle with correction­al officers that broke out as they were escorting him from a shower to his segregatio­n cell.

The inquest heard that Faqiri, who had schizophre­nia, appeared increasing­ly unwell during his time at the Central East Correction­al Centre in Lindsay and many correction­al and medical staff members expressed concerns about him.

However, Faqiri was never taken to a hospital, nor did he see a psychiatri­st, the inquest heard.

The jury’s recommenda­tions included creating an independen­t “inspectora­te” for correction­s that would have the ability to launch investigat­ions, and adding an independen­t rights adviser and prisoner advocate in all correction­al facilities.

Other recommenda­tions included establishi­ng a provincial agency to oversee and deliver health care in correction­al facilities and ensuring people in custody who have acute mental health issues are assessed by a mental health profession­al within 24 hours of a court order or remand.

Recommenda­tions issued in a coroner’s inquest are not binding and the finding of homicide carries no legal liability.

 ?? YUSUF FAQIRI THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Six months after a coroner's inquest, Soleiman Faqiri’s family says the province has failed to implement any of the dozens of recommenda­tions.
YUSUF FAQIRI THE CANADIAN PRESS Six months after a coroner's inquest, Soleiman Faqiri’s family says the province has failed to implement any of the dozens of recommenda­tions.

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