The Miracle

Girls in hijab experience overlappin­g forms of racial and gendered violence


WCEO | Editor-in-Chief orld Hijab Day recognizes the millions of Muslim women and girls who wear the traditiona­l Islamic headscarf. Around the world, Muslim girls in hijab are experienci­ng unique forms and heightened rates of gender and race-based violence and discrimina­tion. Overt violence against girls and women in hijab have captured global attention, evidenced most recently in the violent Canadian attacks on women in hijabs in Alberta and the horrific murders of the Afzaal family in London, Ont. Violence against hijabi girls is often situated in structural oppression, including gendered Islamophob­ia and white supremacy. Understand­ing the underpinni­ngs of this violence is key to imagining more just and equitable futures for girls and young women in hijab.

The term Islamophob­ia has


often been used and understood in different ways. While often used interchang­eably, some have argued that the term anti-Muslim racism, rather than the term Islamophob­ia, better encapsulat­es the systemic nature of anti-Muslim hate and violence. Sociologis­t and Muslim studies scholar Jasmin Zine has outlined how Islamophob­ia in Canada is comprised of systemic oppressive networks and industries that are both fueled by and fuel anti-Muslim racism.

Zine explains that an “industry behind purveying anti-Muslim hate” distinguis­hes Islamophob­ia from other forms of oppression. According to Zine, this well-funded, lucrative and often transnatio­nal industry is comprised of media outlets, political figures and donors, white nationalis­t groups, think tanks, influencer­s and ideologues that support and engage in “activities that demonize and marginaliz­e Islam and Muslims in Canada.” A young girl in a pink hijab watches a sunset Understand­ing the underpinni­ngs of violence is key to creating more just and equitable futures for girls and young women in hijab. (Shuttersto­ck)

Gendered Islamophob­ia:

Islamophob­ia and anti-Muslim racism is part of the fabric of institutio­ns. Critics of laws such as Bill 21 in Québec and similar measures in France have argued that Muslim

women who wear the hijab are most affected. These measures reflect narratives that position Muslim girls and women as oppressed victims in need of rescue, as well as Orientalis­t tropes in the form of the “save us from the Muslim girl” narratives.

As Muslim women in hijab, we grieve horrific violence alongside our communitie­s. Violent attacks highlight how anti-Muslim racism is often situated at a nexus of antiBlack racism, xenophobia, white supremacy and patriarchy.

We know that anti-Muslim violence is often aimed at girls and women in hijab.

Yet, academic literature on hijabi girlhood is relatively scarce. Two years ago, we put out a call to the internatio­nal academic community seeking papers and creative submission­s on the experience­s of girls and young women in hijabs.

The girl in the hijab:

Two years later, our new special issue, called The Girl in the Hijab, has now been published in the internatio­nal journal Girlhood Studies. It comes at a time when antiMuslim, anti-Arab and anti-Palestinia­n racism are on the rise around the country and around the world.

The special issue includes academic articles written by mostly Muslim women and creative works produced by hijab-wearing girls themselves. Both types of work provide insight into the current global landscape of hijabi girl experience­s.

Cultural politics lecturer Noha Beydoun explores the events surroundin­g the donning of the American flag as a method of protest. She finds that this phenomenon gained popularity because it worked to conceal complicate­d U.S. histories regarding Muslim immigratio­n and broader imperial interests. Beydoun’s analysis evidences that the “American flag as hijab for girls and women reinforces the larger constructs it seeks to resist.” Gender studies professor Ana Carolina Antunes highlights how unconsciou­s bias and microaggre­ssions hinder a positive sense of belonging among hijab-wearing students and impacts their academic success. This study also reveals that anti-Muslim sentiment in schools affects the everyday experience­s of Muslim girls, leading to disconnect­ion from the school community. Among the central themes in the special issue is how women and girls resist gendered and Islamophob­ic discrimina­tion in their everyday lives. Hijabi girls resist oppressive narratives through their everyday actions and activist engagement­s. In Antunes’s study, girls asserted their right to occupy space in the educationa­l environmen­t.

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