The Hamilton Spectator

‘Reckless’ shootout in broad daylight sees bullets land in parked cars, apartment units

At least three people in two groups were involved in the incident downtown


At least three people are wanted in connection with another daytime shootout in Hamilton that saw bullets strike parked cars and a downtown apartment unit.

Hamilton police say no one was hurt after “multiple” shots were fired in the area of Caroline and Markets streets, west of Bay Street and just steps from FirstOntar­io Centre, around 11:10 a.m. on Friday.

The shootout appears to have involved at least three or more people in two factions that each exchanged gunfire, Det. Sgt. Steve Bereziuk told reporters at the scene, noting investigat­ors have limited informatio­n so far.

No injuries have been reported and police said all involved suspects fled on foot via Caroline.

Bereziuk called the daytime shooting — one of several in Hamilton in recent weeks — “disturbing.” It happened in broad daylight, between a retirement home and an apartment highrise, with a federal government building right around the corner.

“This highlights the reckless and careless disregard for life that these suspects possess, where they’re willing to engage in shootouts in broad daylight,” said Bereziuk, who heads police’s shooting response team.

“This is becoming a scary trend.” Indeed, there have been at least 24 shootings reported to police in 2024 — more than double compared to the same point last year — and six in May alone.

Many of them have been daring, including a lunch-hour drive-by that left a 19-year-old dead outside a provincial office building, an alleyway shooting that saw an innocent man grazed by a bullet, and a gunfight between three people that damaged cars, buildings and garages.

Asked whether there is a gang or turf war unfolding in Hamilton, Bereziuk said: “Certainly it’s concerning and it does have the smell of a turf war, but at this point that’s large speculatio­n and I certainly won’t suggest that’s evidence at this time.”

Investigat­ors are still looking for a motive in Friday’s shooting.

Bereziuk wouldn’t comment on the number of shots fired during the exchange, but pegged the figure at “multiple.”

“Some bullets have hit a first-floor apartment at the Market Street Apartments,” he said, pointing to a corner unit in the highrise that’s closest to Caroline. “The unit was unoccupied, however, it is a lived-in unit and we are just fortunate the owner was out at the time of the shooting.”

Police planned to remain at the scene of Market and Caroline for much of Friday.

Anyone with informatio­n about the shootings is asked to contact Det. Matthew Dugdale of the shooting response team at 905-546-4883 or shootingre­sponseteam@hamiltonpo­

To remain anonymous, contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or crimestopp­ershamilto­

 ?? SEBASTIAN BRON THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR ?? Police are investigat­ing after a shootout in downtown Hamilton saw bullets land in parked cars and first-floor apartment units.
SEBASTIAN BRON THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR Police are investigat­ing after a shootout in downtown Hamilton saw bullets land in parked cars and first-floor apartment units.

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