The Hamilton Spectator

Summit takes issue with NunatuKavu­t, Ontario Métis


A two-day summit on Indigenous identity fraud wrapped up Wednesday with a message to Canada: we’re joining forces, and we want action to curb the epidemic.

The summit, hosted by the Manitoba Métis Federation and the Chiefs of Ontario, was lauded by First Nations, Inuit and Red River Métis leaders as a historic occasion.

The leaders passed two resolution­s that specifical­ly target the Métis Nation of Ontario and the NunatuKavu­t Community Council — organizati­ons they collective­ly say are co-opting Indigenous identities for personal gain.

They unanimousl­y adopted a declaratio­n condemning any person or group that “falsely claims” Indigenous identity for their own gain. The declaratio­n says doing so furthers the marginaliz­ation of First Nations, Inuit and Red River Métis voices.

“The intent of this summit is not to pick a fight,” said Manitoba Métis Federation president David Chartrand.

“We have every right and all responsibi­lity to stand up for ourselves and protect our identity. The time to bring this to a head is now.”

The resolution against the NunatuKavu­t Community Council, passed Wednesday, calls on the federal government and Newfoundla­nd and Labrador to “cease their actions accommodat­ing Indigenous identity theft” by working with the organizati­on and giving it access to benefits. It also calls for criminal law reforms to ensure funds set aside for Indigenous Peoples are not misappropr­iated.

Tuesday’s resolution called on Canada to cease all negotiatio­ns with the Métis Nation of Ontario and for Ontario to retract the identifica­tion of six new communitie­s the province recognized in 2017. It also urges the federal and provincial government­s to stop “accommodat­ing Indigenous identity theft” and to take proactive steps with “legitimate rights holders.”

Tuesday’s resolution called on Canada to cease all negotiatio­ns with the Métis Nation of Ontario

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