The Hamilton Spectator

Celebratin­g those who are strengthen­ing our city


The act of giving serves as a catalyst for positive change, its effects rippling outward to touch lives and strengthen the vibrancy and resiliency of a community.

It creates connection­s, builds trust and fosters a sense of hope and unity for a brighter future. It is a fundamenta­l requiremen­t for building a strong and thriving city.

Hamilton, like many communitie­s across Canada, is currently facing many urgent and pressing socio-economic issues. These are multifacet­ed problems that do not have an easy or quick solution. Government­s, businesses, non-profit organizati­ons and individual­s must work together to address these complex challenges facing our community.

The journey toward a more equitable and sustainabl­e future requires collective effort and collaborat­ion.

For a city that has long been known for its grit, resiliency and strong sense of civic pride, it is going to take a collaborat­ive approach from our entire community to elevate the social and economic wellbeing of Hamiltonia­ns.

One thing I learned very quickly when I became the president and CEO of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is that Hamilton’s civic pride reaches beyond our residents — it is ingrained in our business community as well.

There is a clear desire across Hamilton’s business community to give back to strengthen the fabric of our city. Whether it’s a small business sponsoring a youth sports club or an entire corporate office volunteeri­ng their day to support a notfor-profit, our business community is passionate and engaged in building a thriving, healthy and prosperous Hamilton.

Today, more than ever before, Hamilton businesses are embracing their role as stewards of our society and are looking to ignite a virtuous cycle of growth, developmen­t and prosperity.

In doing so, they not only enrich the lives of their employees and team members, but also sow the seeds of a brighter tomorrow for us all.

When you start to look closely, you see that there are people and organizati­ons all over Hamilton working tirelessly to make this city a better place for all. They are dedicating their time, energy and resources to planting seeds of goodwill that will yield a harvest of trust, loyalty and solidarity as we go forward together.

In light of the challenges our greater community is facing, it is the responsibi­lity of the Hamilton Chamber to shine a light on these efforts and celebrate those who are driving positive change.

It is why the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce has created the Hamilton Gives Awards. On Wednesday, in partnershi­p with the McKeil Family Foundation and United Way Halton and Hamilton, we will recognize the individual­s and businesses that are committed to moving our city forward. It’s about building bridges, nurturing relationsh­ips and catalyzing positive change.

For an inaugural event, we were blown away by the incredible number of nominees for the Hamilton Gives Awards, further highlighti­ng the good that is being done across Hamilton.

We recently announced the inaugural recipient of our Social Impact Lifetime Achievemen­t Award, Boris Brott. Mr. Brott dedicated his life to our city, bringing us internatio­nal acclaim while also leaving an indelible mark on our culture. He exemplifie­s the transforma­tive impact that an individual can have on our community as he has left behind a legacy of community growth, generosity and compassion.

We hope you can join us as we bring the community together to celebrate those who are giving back and moving our city forward.

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