The Guardian (Charlottetown)

A decent wage covers the basics


People are so different from the time they are born.

Ambitious and not ambitious. Very intelligen­t and not so intelligen­t. Evil or good. Workers and nonworkers.

Corruption happens at all levels of government and business.

Basic income guarantee would be no different. You would have many freeloader­s and abusers and those who do not want to have to work to start with.

The old story: Feed a person fish (basic income guarantee) and you end up feeding him for life. Teach him how to fish (work) and he is free and you are free for life. There are many jobs available on P.E.I.

I will use Tim Banks as an example of one who uses all his gifts and has created many jobs so people can have employment. Yes, he is probably rich but that is his reward for creating jobs. But his long hours of work and intelligen­t planning is not for everyone. We need big business.

Today the minimum wage is $15.40 per hour. When I was first married I worked 60-hour weeks at a dollar an hour ($3,120.00). Today the yearly income for working a 60-hour week at minimum wage is $48,048.80.

Own your home, car and trips are not attainable unless you work long hours and have the intelligen­ce to spend your money wisely. Today freedom 55 is now freedom 75.

“People will happily work if they are offered decent work—paid a living wage and given opportunit­ies for work-place benefits,” wrote Jillian Kilfoil in The Guardian July 9.

Living wages do not include: own your own home, a car and trips. Food, clothing and shelter are what you need money for a living wage. The better jobs call for specialize­d training and study.

When I got a job after PWC, it was because it paid money and it was not because it was the only job I wanted. No picking and choosing.

Today, families need to stay together to survive the wicked cost of living. Independen­ce requires more money.

This is what I remember of the past. Perfection Foods went out of business because the union wanted a living wage and the company said they could not afford the increase.

The union would not listen and got their raise and the rest is history. Companies cannot operate at a loss. The government cannot afford basic income guarantee.

They can afford to pay more to those who are well trained and highly educated and help the employers make money.

Before everyone gets all worked up, this my opinion. Ron Jenkins, Charlottet­own, P.E.I.

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