The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Cocaine dealer gets 17-month sentence

- TERRENCE MCEACHERN terrence.mceachern @theguardia­ @Peiguardia­n THE GUARDIAN

A Charlottet­own drug dealer caught with 73 grams of cocaine has received a 17month jail sentence.

Michael Shane Gaudet, 42, pleaded guilty and was sentenced on Jan. 24 in provincial court in Charlottet­own for cocaine possession for traffickin­g purposes and possession of a prohibited weapon (brass knuckles).

Gaudet appeared in court by video from the Provincial Correction­al Centre. He represente­d himself at sentencing.

Federal Crown attorney Curtis Doyle told the court that on Oct. 18, Charlottet­own police in an unmarked vehicle recognized Gaudet driving a truck and pulled him over due to an outstandin­g warrant in relation to another matter. Police arrested Gaudet for the outstandin­g warrant. Gaudet was searched and officers found $2,030 in cash in his back pocket. Gaudet's truck was also searched. Police saw what appeared to be cocaine powder throughout the vehicle and cocaine residue on the steering wheel. Police arrested Gaudet for drug possession. He was read his rights and declined to speak to a lawyer. Gaudet admitted to police that there was about two ounces of cocaine in a bookbag inside the truck, said Doyle.

Gaudet was taken to the Charlottet­own Police Services station and was instead charged with drug possession for traffickin­g purposes. Gaudet was re-read his rights and again declined to speak to a lawyer, said Doyle.

Gaudet gave a statement to police and confirmed that he uses two to three grams of cocaine a day and had been selling cocaine for about two to three months.

Gaudet's vehicle was searched and police found 73 grams of cocaine, cell phones, dime baggies, cutting agents, a digital scale, brass knuckles and a collapsibl­e baton.

Gaudet was respectful and co-operative with police, said Doyle.

Gaudet's criminal record did not have a prior drug traffickin­g conviction.

Doyle presented the court with a recommenda­tion that was agreed to by Gaudet for 17 months in jail for the drug offence.

For the weapon offence, Crown attorney Chee Ng recommende­d two months in jail for possession of the brass knuckles concurrent to the drug sentence.

Gaudet spoke briefly in court. He apologized for his actions and said he's taking programs at the jail. He added that he owns a small constructi­on company and plans to work once he's released from jail.

Chief Judge Jeff Lantz accepted the recommenda­tions. In addition, Lantz sentenced Gaudet to 18 months of probation, a 10-year weapons prohibitio­n, an order to provide a sample of his DNA to the national databank and a forfeiture order for the offence-related items seized by police. Lantz gave Gaudet five months of enhanced credit for time already spent in custody since his Oct. 18 arrest.

 ?? FILE ?? Michael Shane Gaudet, 42, was sentenced on Jan. 24 to a total of 17 months in jail for possessing 73 grams of cocaine for traffickin­g purposes and possession of a prohibited weapon (brass knuckles). Gaudet pleaded guilty to the charges.
FILE Michael Shane Gaudet, 42, was sentenced on Jan. 24 to a total of 17 months in jail for possessing 73 grams of cocaine for traffickin­g purposes and possession of a prohibited weapon (brass knuckles). Gaudet pleaded guilty to the charges.

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