The Guardian (Charlottetown)

P.E.I. minister orders inquiry into conduct of Murray Harbour councillor


A formal inquiry into the conduct of Murray Harbour Coun. John Robertson has been issued.

Robertson failed to comply with apology orders after a controvers­ial sign was posted outside his home in September 2023.

Communitie­s Minister Rob Lantz gave Robertson until Dec. 31, 2023, to write a formal apology letter after he was found in breach of four out of five clauses in the Murray Harbour Municipal Council's code of conduct.

A sign put up outside Robertson’s home on National Truth and Reconcilia­tion Day 2023 read, "Truth: Mass Grave Hoax", and "Reconcilia­tion: Redeem Sir John A's Integrity."

The sign was taken down the same day, but many community members called on Robertson to resign from his position.

He was issued a $500 fine and a sixmonth council suspension and was ordered to write a formal apology. If he refuses, he must resign from the council.

“The deadline for Mr. John Robertson to follow a ministeria­l directive to comply with the sanctions placed on him by the Rural Municipali­ty of Murray Harbour or resign from his role on council has lapsed without resolution,” said Lantz in a news release.

“This matter has gone on for far too long, and we do not want to delay the outcome of this situation any further.”

Michael Drake of Mcinnes Cooper will be responsibl­e for carrying out the inquiry.

“The decision before me is unpreceden­ted and one that cannot be taken lightly,” Lantz added.

“We need to follow the letter of the law concerning the Municipal Government Act so that we are confident a decision can hold up.”

“The decision before me is unpreceden­ted and one that cannot be taken lightly. We need to follow the letter of the law concerning the Municipal Government Act so that we are confident a decision can hold up.” Communitie­s Minister Rob Lantz

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