The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Startup to use AI, satellites to spot wildfire risk


A California startup using artificial intelligen­ce (AI) and satellites to spot fire and weather risks on power lines, Aidash, reported on Tuesday it had raised $50 million in new funding, reflecting Silicon Valley efforts to create products that help energy companies adapt to climate change.

Power utilities are under pressure to cut risks of forest fires and storm-based outages after massive fires have been sparked by power lines and weather events brought down lines. At the same time, loads on the grid are likely to rise as electricit­y displaces fossil fuel in applicatio­ns such as electric vehicles and home heat pumps.

Hundreds of startups and small companies offer services and technology aimed at improving forest management, forest-fire spotting and response and other wildfire and forest-fire services, data from researcher Pitchbook shows.

Aidash uses AI to search satellite images for problems and changes along power utility electric transmissi­on lines, such as where vegetation has grown and whether trees are encroachin­g on lines.

The technology is also being used to help create surveys for companies facing new biodiversi­ty reporting regulation­s, such as in the United Kingdom. The new funding will be used in part to open a European headquarte­rs.

National Grid, an Aidash customer and investor which owns networks in the UK and United States, said it had seen measurable improvemen­ts in cutting the number and duration of outages since using the system to identify maintenanc­e priorities on its Massachuse­tts grid.

 ?? REUTERS FILE ?? An aerial photo of the devastatio­n left behind from the North Bay wildfires north of San Francisco, California, October 9, 2017.
REUTERS FILE An aerial photo of the devastatio­n left behind from the North Bay wildfires north of San Francisco, California, October 9, 2017.

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