The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Charlottet­own Psychic Fair held in city

- VIVIAN ULINWA THE GUARDIAN vivian.ulinwa @vivian_ulinwa

Palm readings, tarot cards, and seances were some of the services offered for a fee at the Charlottet­own Psychic Fair put on by the P.E.I. Witch Market on Jan. 20.

Marie Sheppard was there for the runes and oracle card reading – a divination tool that offers individual­s a means to access spiritual insights, guidance or reflection­s about their lives.

Before her reading, as she waited for her turn, Sheppard said she was very nervous about what the outcome would be.

“Just because you don't know what they are sometimes. I think you wonder if it won't be accurate at all.”

It's not her first time getting a reading. She has had a palm reading from someone else before. When she saw on Facebook that there was a fair happening, she became interested in getting another reading. Her reading lasted for 15 minutes and cost $25. When it was over, she walked out with a sigh of relief.

“Maybe not the answer I was hoping for, but it’s definitely relative to what I was wanting to know.”


The walk-in event was the first-ever fair organized by the P.E.I. Witch Market. Held at The Guild in downtown Charlottet­own, it lasted for five hours and drew more than 50 people.

Blair Holloway, the organizer of the fair, said she was expecting to see a lot of people but not as many as actually attended. There were about seven other witches who were offering various reading sessions.

Holloway, who describes herself as a witch, said she had about 50 reading sessions.

“It's just a lot of energy. The experience was really good. We had a lot of positive feedback.”

She plans on making the fair a monthly event where other witches and people who would like to get their services can do so without a stigma.

“I feel like being a witch and being psychic is kind of like looked down upon in general. These events allow people to know that there's a community there to back them up.”

At upcoming monthly fairs, attendees can expect a variety of mystical practices such as tarot reading and energy healing. They may also come across other forms of alternativ­e healing, including the services of witch doctors, herbologis­ts and astrologer­s.

 ?? VIVIAN ULINWA • THE GUARDIAN ?? Blair Holloway, the organizer of the first P.E.I. Witch Market’s Psychic Fair in Charlottet­own, said she was amazed to see the number of people who attended.
VIVIAN ULINWA • THE GUARDIAN Blair Holloway, the organizer of the first P.E.I. Witch Market’s Psychic Fair in Charlottet­own, said she was amazed to see the number of people who attended.
 ?? VIVIAN ULINWA • THE GUARDIAN ?? Marie Sheppard attended the first Charlottet­own Psychic Fair, which was put on by the P.E.I. Witch Market on Jan. 20.
VIVIAN ULINWA • THE GUARDIAN Marie Sheppard attended the first Charlottet­own Psychic Fair, which was put on by the P.E.I. Witch Market on Jan. 20.

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