The Daily Press (Timmins)

Joint statement from Wellness Centre of Excellence Partners

Public who couldn't get into info session directed to online survey


All of the community partners would like to express our appreciati­on for those who joined the community session for the proposed Timmins and Area Wellness Centre of Excellence (WCE) on Monday, Sept. 9.

The Wellness Centre of Excellence (WCE) will serve as a transforma­tive Health Hub, o‚ering a comprehens­ive continuum of client-centered services. The WCE will provide critical health services and serve as a hub for education, training, and community developmen­t.

Announced in August 2024, CDSB, alongside its partners, plans to apply to become a Homelessne­ss and Addictions Recovery Treatment Hub (HART) in Timmins. To provide the best possible chance to receive this vital funding, CDSB has purchased 1800 Riverside Drive.

The facility’s design includes counsellin­g rooms, Indigenous healing spaces, cultural teaching areas, and communal skills developmen­t spaces for clients. By o‚ering specialize­d training and outreach clinics, the WCE will support regional care providers and help build capacity throughout the district.

We acknowledg­e the shortcomin­gs of the intended format and are grateful for the strong turnout and valuable conversati­ons that took place. During the session, 25 profession­als from a variety of health and social service agencies were present to gather input, provide informatio­n and answer questions from our community members.

Our intention in organizing the session with a small group format was to foster more meaningful, personaliz­ed discussion­s, ensuring that attendees could speak directly with experts and have their questions answered thoroughly. Regrettabl­y, the format was not followed as planned, and this limited the opportunit­y for some participan­ts to fully engage and share their perspectiv­es.

We appreciate those who took the time to provide feedback and look forward to bringing an improved and simplified format that addresses capacity challenges and ensures individual­s have the ability to have their questions answered for future sessions.

Despite these challenges, many quality conversati­ons took place, and we gathered important feedback and heard concerns related to safety and security, concerns about potential for individual­s to gather around the area and the need for clarificat­ion about how services will work.

The Timmins and District Hospital and the Cochrane District Services Board, alongside community health and social service partners are partnering to provide mental health and addiction services for Timmins and area, including programs such as withdrawal management, addiction treatment and

supportive and transition­al housing.

As we are still in the early planning phase, we are exploring potential options for additional services that could be o ered, with input from the community and our partners.

Listening to and understand­ing the concerns of our neighbours remains central to this process.

We encourage anyone who was unable to contribute fully at the session to submit their questions and suggestion­s via our online survey be scanning the

QR Code below.

Further informatio­n, including feedback collected from Monday, Sept. 9, will be made publicly available for the community.

Thank you once again for your participat­ion as we continue working to create a healthier, safer and stronger community.

Editor’s note— Different services will be the purview of different organizati­ons within the WCE partnershi­p, according to Jean

Carrière, project lead. Addiction treatment and withdrawal management would be offered by the Canadian Mental Health Associatio­n-Cochrane Temiskamin­g Branch, the Timmins and District Hospital, and the Jubilee Centre. The Cochrane District Services Board (CDSB) will not operate the centre. The governance structure is still being determined. The CDSB will be the landlords. CDSB social workers will be on staff and the CDSB will provide supportive and transition­al housing services and access to Ontario Works.

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