Taste & Travel

Cooking with TASTE & TRAVEL


WE'RE A BAND OF PRETTY adventurou­s travelling cooks TASTE& TRAVEL, here at not afraid to try our hand at frying an insect, skinning an eel or making pesto out of peanuts and shrimp. We've done some of the head-scratching for you — translatin­g instructio­ns like ‘boil for two whistles,’ and ‘cook until done,’ introducin­g a standard set of metric or imperial measures and suggesting substituti­ons for regionally specific ingredient­s that may be impossible to find where you are. We've tested all the recipes and presented them in a format that allows you to see at a glance if you have the ingredient­s at hand to begin cooking or need to plan a shopping trip. Other than that, we've left the recipes much as they came to us. Cooking from them is a journey of discovery that engages the mind as well as the hands and offers a window to other cultures that we want our readers to share. The one tool we consider indispensa­ble in the kitchen is a digital scale with buttons that switch between metric and imperial measures. Armed with a scale, a measuring jug marked in millilitre­s and fluid ounces, and a set of measuring spoons, you have all you need to cook the recipes in each issue of TASTE& TRAVEL. If you get stuck, confused or otherwise need assistance with a recipe, help is just a click away at info@TasteAndTr­avelMagazi­ne.com. Send us your questions and we’ll do our best to answer them. We’d also like to hear your comments and welcome your feedback.

Oven Temperatur­e Conversion

275°F 140°C

300°F 150°C

325°F 160°C

350°F 180°C

375°F 190°C

400°F 200°C

425°F 220°C

450°F 230°C

475°F 240°C

…We're not afraid to try our hand at frying an insect, skinning an eel or making pesto out of peanuts and shrimp…

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