Taste & Travel

Curried Shakshuka


THIS FAMILY-STYLE DISH is the ultimate symbol of togetherne­ss. Something so simple as sharing a meal with loved ones — and eating from the same dish — can be a powerful form of connection.

When I helped open a restaurant in Lahore, Pakistan, in 2023, the team prepared the staff meals together — we'd take quick stock of leftover ingredient­s and churn out a few delicious platters of food to serve the brigade. It was a frenzied and chaotic affair, but I would jump at the opportunit­y to relive it again. It was fun and spirited and notably elevated by the knowingnes­s that we lived, worked and cooked in solidarity.

Curried Shakshuka

Olive Oil 2 Tbs

Cumin Seeds 1 tsp

Ground Coriander 1 tsp

Onion 1, chopped

Salt 1 tsp

Black Pepper ½ tsp

Garlic 3 cloves, finely chopped

Thai Green or Red Chili Peppers 2, thinly sliced

Red Bell Pepper 1, seeded, deveined and chopped

Curry Powder 1 Tbs

Smoked Paprika 1 ½ tsp

Tomato Sauce 3 cups

Sugar 1 tsp


1 cup, roughly chopped

Lemon Juice 2 tsp

Eggs 6

Crumbled Feta for garnish

Sliced Scallions for garnish

1 HEAT oil in a large heavy-bottomed pan over medium heat. Add cumin seeds and fry for 1 minute, until fragrant. Add onion, salt and pepper and sauté for 3–4 minutes, until onion is lightly brown. Reduce heat to medium-low, then add garlic, chili peppers, bell pepper, curry powder and smoked paprika. Mix well.

2 ADD the tomato sauce, sugar and ¾ cup water. Gently simmer for 10–15 minutes, until sauce has reduced and thickened.

3 FOLD in spinach and lemon juice. Using the back of a spoon, create 6 divots in the sauce.

4 CRACK eggs into each space, cover and steam for 5–8 minutes, depending on your desired doneness.

Cilantro Pesto

Cilantro 1 cup, chopped packed

Basil Leaves

¾ cup

Garlic 2 cloves, finely chopped


Pine Nuts 2 Tbs


1/3 cup, grated Olive Oil 1/3 cup

Fresh Lemon Juice 2 Tbs

Salt ¾ tsp

1 COMBINE all ingredient­s in a food processor and blend to desired consistenc­y.

1 REMOVE shakshuka from the heat. Garnish with cilantro pesto, feta and scallions. Serve.

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