Taste & Travel

Sorbian Wedding Soup


there Are many versions of wedding soup made in different regions of Germany. This recipe is from Saxony.


Carrot 1, chopped

Celeriac 100 g, chopped

Onion 1, finely chopped

Lard 50 g

Cauliflowe­r 300 g

Beef Broth 4 cups

Salt to taste

Star-Shaped Pasta 50 g


Beef Liver

200 g, minced

Egg 1

Grated Nutmeg a pinch

Salt and Freshly Ground Black

Pepper to taste Fresh Breadcrumb­s 2 Tbs

Custard Cubes

Eggs 2

Heavy Cream 2 Tbs

Butter 1 Tbs

Salt to taste

1 HEAT the lard and cook the carrot, celeriac and onion for 10 minutes, then put them to one side.

2 BREAK the cauliflowe­r into small florets, wash and boil in salted water for 10 minutes. Drain and briefly refresh in cold water.

3 TO make the dumplings, mix the minced liver with the egg, nutmeg, salt, pepper and breadcrumb­s. Cool for an hour, then mould into small balls.

4 TO make the savoury custard, first melt the butter. Once it has cooled down, whisk the butter with the eggs and cream. Pass the mixture through a sieve and add salt.

5 BRING a couple of inches of water to a simmer in a small saucepan. Pour the custard mixture into a metal or glass bowl that will fit into the saucepan without touching the bottom. Simmer until the custard has set, then remove the bowl and leave to cool.

6 HEAT the beef broth and add the star-shaped pasta and liver dumplings. Briefly bring to the boil, then turn down the heat and leave to simmer at low heat for 15 minutes. Add the celeriac, carrot and cauliflowe­r florets. To finish off the dish, cut the savoury custard into cubes and add to the soup.

Recipe sourced from Dagmar Schäfer, “Reisen durch die Küche von Sachsen”, Buchverlag für die Frau GmbH, Leipzig, 2006.

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