Taste & Travel

Seared Arctic Char with Orange Hollandais­e


northern norway is known for its cold, clean waters and superb seafood. Here Arctic char's rich, buttery taste is complement­ed by a vibrant, citrus-scented sauce.

Arctic Char 4 fillets, thawed if frozen

Olive or Vegetable Oil

2 Tbs


4 oz, melted

Fresh Orange 1, supremed

White Wine Vinegar 2 tsp

Egg Yolks 2 large

Salt and Freshly Ground Black Pepper to taste

Microgreen­s for garnish

1 MAKE the orange supremes: Cut the ends of the orange off at both poles. Stand the orange on a cut side on a cutting board and following the contours of the fruit slice away the peel and all the white pith with a paring knife. Hold the fruit over a strainer with a bowl set below to catch the juice. Cut between the membranes to release the orange segments. Reserve the segments and squeeze the remains of the orange to extract the juice.

2 MAKE the hollandais­e: Whisk the egg yolks, two tablespoon­s of orange juice and the vinegar together in a stainless steel bowl until very well combined.

3 PLACE the bowl over a pot of simmering water, making sure that the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water.

4 WHISKING constantly, stream in the melted butter. Continue to whisk until the sauce has begun to thicken, then remove from the heat immediatel­y. Do not cook for too long or over too high heat or the eggs may scramble.

5 SEASON to taste with salt and pepper and keep warm until ready to serve.

6 COOK the fish: Heat the olive or vegetable oil in a non-stick skillet or well-seasoned cast iron pan. When the oil starts to shimmer, add the fish fillets and cook, undisturbe­d for 4–5 minutes, or until the bottom third of the fish has turned opaque. Turn the fish and cook for another 3–4 minutes, or until the fish is almost completely opaque but with a thin band of pink in the centre.

7 TRANSFER the fish to serving plates and top with the orange hollandais­e. Garnish with the orange supremes and microgreen­s and serve immediatel­y.

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