Sherbrooke Record

Pets’ homes


Before being put up for adoption. “We have around 60 or 70 cats up for adoption. When it comes to dogs, we’re talking about nearly 25.” Savoie explained.

Despite the rising cost of living, making more and more families struggle with paying their bills and afford housing that meets their needs, the SPA hasn’t observed an increase in the number of animals being dropped off. The communicat­ions manager noted that it was only the beginning of the week, and that they expected many more incoming animals arriving to the shelter, which may show an increase.

Even if the shelter is over capacity, they still have enough resources to properly take care of all the animals that are brought to them. A lot of the care and treatment that’s necessary is done in-house at the SPA, or their neighbour, Clinique vétérinair­e des petits animaux de l’estrie. They have a lot of host families that welcome animals into their homes temporaril­y, and they partner with other organizati­ons that can care for animals as well.

The SPA’S website asserts that the shelter is full almost year-round, and the difference between its capacity around moving day and the rest of the year isn’t very significan­t.

Refuge Le Château, a private animal shelter which specialize­s in cats faces similar issues. Following the moving day weekend, 300 cats were either at the shelter or with one of their 70 host families.

On its end, Le Château has noticed a significan­t increase in the number of animals they are caring for compared to the same time last year. “It’s twice or three times as bad as last year,” the Refuge told The Record on July 2.

Being a private organizati­on that doesn’t receive funding from government­al bodies, the shelter covers its operationa­l costs from the revenue made by animal sales. They also appreciate help from citizens and families that are willing to make monetary donations and cat food and litter donations.

Both Le Château and the SPA are always on the looking for new host families to temporaril­y house animals as the shelters try to find their forever home.

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