Sherbrooke Record

Allison Tai offers fitness tips for family participat­ion workouts

- Christine Blanchette

Now is the time to be proactive in your fitness regime and for some, to include their families in the whole process. The key is to incorporat­e an effective fitness plan which is both inclusive and sustainabl­e. So how do you start? I thought you’d never ask.

Allison Tai is a full-time life coach (AKA mom plus) to two children, Amelita and Seren and wife to husband John. She is a certified running coach and champion competitiv­e athlete, having won ‘Tough Mudder’ races which place her in the fittest level an athlete can attain. You may ask, ‘How tough is a Tough Mudder competitio­n?’ Consider that many competitor­s and observers alike consider those events to be prolonged acts of torture; it establishe­s Tai as a reliable source for excellent ideas on fitness in general, with a focus on endurance training.

It’s my privilege to have Allison back in this space to offer some of her family fitness ideas. Read on for our Q & A:

Tell us, what are your best family fitness tips?

I think playground­s are a great place for everyone to get fit. There are so many exercises you can do with playground equipment if you just get creative. You can so easily do circuit training while your kids are playing. You can even add running or plyometric­s around the park to get some cardio in. That and just being active for family recreation­al activities. Skip the movie theatre and play a game of soccer or swim. Hike up to a nice picnic spot instead of going out to a restaurant to eat. Making family time active isn’t only good for you... it will also create healthy memories and associatio­ns for your children and gift them the lifelong enjoyment of activity and adventure.

What are some other places people can find locally that are for fun and fitness?

There are so many active things to take part in the summer. It’s why it’s my favourite season. Grab a bike or put on a pair of walking shoes and just explore the city with no agenda. Kids love the freedom, and you always find something going on. Play group sports as a family, or even make up your own. Water sports are always a good way to cool down... even if it’s a game of basketball in the pool or just good old fashioned Marco Polo. Hiking is great in all seasons. And everyone in the family can take part!

How important is it to include your family in your fitness regime? What are the benefits?

I think creating these special memories around fitness is so key to engenderin­g a lifelong love of movement and activity. Also mentorship means so much more than education to children. Let your children see how much you love being active, and they’ll have a better chance at learning to love it too.

How does one begin a family fitness undertakin­g and keep it going?

When you’re starting, start small. Just start with small walks around the block and focus on them being as enjoyable as possible. You can slowly build up from there. These walks also serve as a good time to dream up new challenges like taking a hike or riding your bikes to the park.

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