Sherbrooke Record

Potton First Responders to celebrate 30 years of service

- Mable Hastings

On Saturday, June 1, the Potton First Responders will celebrate its 30th Anniversar­y of service! The day will begin at 2 p.m. with a parade through the town of Mansonvill­e followed by activities at 3 p.m. at the Parc Andre Gagnon, including children’s games, a bar and kiosks. At 5 p.m. there will be a pork and beef mechoui supper with homemade desserts followed by a half and half draw, silent auction and the evening will wrap up with Leadville Union band performing starting at 8 p.m. with an on-site bar. Dinner tickets are on sale now at $30 per person and children 6 and under eat for free.

Potton offers a First Responder Service trained for urgent medical situations where its role is of paramount importance. Tasks include getting to the victim as quickly as possible, giving first aid to stabilize the victim, preparing the victim for the arrival of the ambulance and providing support to the ambulance crew.

While the presence of First Responders in a community has become a common initiative, 30 years ago, the idea was new. Organizers of the June 1 event proudly note that the six first responders in Potton were: Wayne Korman, Michel Lamothe, Francis Marcoux, Marcel Marcoux, Roger Marcoux and Christian Rodrigue, and that Potton was the first Fire Department to offer a First Responder service in Quebec. These six men paved the way for a service that has been saving the lives of Potton residents for over 30 years now. An essential service that has evolved, grown in numbers and assures that responders are trained in updated techniques, becoming a group rich in reputation and a pride to the community it serves.

“Some of our Potton First Responders are also Firefighte­rs,” explained James Bouthillie­r, Director of Prevention (SSIC) for the Municipali­ty of Potton. “Our First Responder/firefighte­rs and Firefighte­rs work as a team and this event will display the comradery, devotion and pride of all of our members as we celebrate the history that brings us to the cohesive group we are today and celebrates the service we provide in keeping residents safe,” he said.

The Potton First Responders and Firefighte­rs number fluctuates around 25 persons. Anyone interested in having more informatio­n about First Responding or about the Fire Department should contact James Bouthillie­r by calling 450292-3313 extension 240 or by emailing: serviceinc­

Organizers hope to see the community out in big numbers on June 1 as 30 years of First Responder Service in Potton is celebrated. Tickets for the mechoui supper are on sale at a variety of local businesses.

 ?? Francis, Marcoux, Roger Marcoux, Wayne Korman and Christian ?? This photo includes Six of Potton’s very first “First Responders”
Front row, left to right: Jean Pierre Gibault, Michel Lamothe, Marcel Marcoux, Alain Marcoux
Back row left to right: Rodrigue
Francis, Marcoux, Roger Marcoux, Wayne Korman and Christian This photo includes Six of Potton’s very first “First Responders” Front row, left to right: Jean Pierre Gibault, Michel Lamothe, Marcel Marcoux, Alain Marcoux Back row left to right: Rodrigue
 ?? ??
 ?? COURTESY ?? Some of todays Potton First Responders
Back row : Dominic Bouchard, Shannon Derby, Jean Lemieux, Ugo Chouinard Front row: Carine Daoust, Réjean Néron, James Bouthillie­r, Stephen Nicholson
COURTESY Some of todays Potton First Responders Back row : Dominic Bouchard, Shannon Derby, Jean Lemieux, Ugo Chouinard Front row: Carine Daoust, Réjean Néron, James Bouthillie­r, Stephen Nicholson

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