Sherbrooke Record

Pet of the week: Romeo


Romeo (#9869) is a handsome 12-month-old kitty with a lovely tabby coat. You will be touched by his sad & melancholy eyes that seem to say, “I need love, please adopt me!”

Romeo was found as a stray. A nice lady saved him and kept him for about a week but regretfull­y had to bring him to the shelter in early April. She named him Romeo because he was such a huge lovebug! This darling must have been someone’s cat before as he is very gentle, friendly and docile with people.

Romeo is in excellent health but is feeling depressed as he doesn’t like it too much at the shelter. The curious fellow shows a lot of interest when he observes the birds feeding just outside the window and has fun playing with his toy mice. He adores taking naps in a cushy bed and is eating well. Even so, Romeo still looks so sad...and we truly hope that our sweet chap will find a certain joie de vivre once he’s content & living comfortabl­y in his new home.

Romeo is very affectiona­te and appreciate­s the presence of humans. This young gentleman loves to be cuddled and kissed - you will immediatel­y see how sympatheti­c he is! You can caress him everywhere and you can hold him in your arms - he will start to purr softly. Romeo will call out to you with a funny crackly meow when he wants to attract your attention which is so charming. If you offer him some tasty treats, our sweetheart becomes more perky and thus stimulated, he will rush to your side to eat his goodies and will brush against your legs to thank you.

With such a lovable and sociable temperamen­t, Romeo should adapt pretty quickly to his new environmen­t. Now a strictly indoor cat, he will be happy in a welcoming and caring home. This precious treasure needs and enjoys receiving lots of tender loving care :) Romeo would prefer a family without young children as loud noises and abrupt movements would be detrimenta­l to his wellbeing. He would be content being the only feline in the household or could share his space with other cats as long as the others are friendly and non-dominant. We still recommend providing gradual introducti­ons and an integratio­n period for them, to ensure a smooth cohabitati­on.

The very endearing Romeo is looking forward to being cherished and to experience a life filled with love and security. This wonderful companion will bring you much happiness on a daily basis. Who will be the lucky person to adopt him?

If you wish to adopt Romeo, please writetousa­t:adoptionsp­camontereg­ie@ Thanks!

Our adoption fee: 160$ each - cats between 8 months and 8 years old

Includes: Sterilizat­ion, deworming, vaccinatio­n, FIV/FELV testing and microchip.

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