Sherbrooke Record

30th edition of M18-junior provincial championsh­ip comes to a close

- Record Staff

The Voltigeurs de Drummondvi­lle and the Husky de Chaudière-ouest are the champions of the M18-A and Junior A categories of the final weekend of the 30th Tournoi provincial M18 - junior de Fleurimont (TPMJF), presented by Matelas Houde.

On Sunday afternoon, fans at the Centre Julien-ducharme saw the Centredu-québec representa­tives defeat the Rouville Blizzard 3-0.

Two individual honours were awarded in the final.

Mathieu Blanchette received the title of TPMJF Offensive Player of the Second Week, scoring six goals and collecting three assists in five games.

The title of Goalkeeper of the Second Week went to Samuel Blais of the Rouville Blizzard, who allowed five goals in five games.

In the final game of the tournament, the Junior A title went to the Husky de Chaudière-ouest, who defeated the Panthères de Deux-montagnes 4-3.

The title of defensive player went to Samuel Lessard who, in addition to his overall play, collected three points in five games.

According to TPMJF president Sylvain Richard, it was a successful 30th edition.

“We’ve received so many good comments about our tournament, which is very popular with teams. And our tournament pays big dividends for Sherbrooke’s economy with all the teams spending their weekends here. I’d like to thank my organizing committee and all our volunteers, not to mention our technical and financial partners, including the City of Sherbrooke, which provides us with ice time,” commented the president in a press release.

Dates for the 2025 edition of the TPMJF will be announced shortly.

 ?? COURTESY ?? The Drummondvi­lle Voltigeurs won the M18-A class final against the Rouville Blizzard.
COURTESY The Drummondvi­lle Voltigeurs won the M18-A class final against the Rouville Blizzard.

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