Sherbrooke Record

LEARN Quebec tutoring program left out of ministry catchup plan

- By Ruby Pratka Local Journalism Initiative

The English Parents’ Committee Associatio­n of Quebec (Epcaquebec) is raising concerns after LEARN Quebec, a provincewi­de organizati­on which provides online tutoring to English-speaking students, profession­al developmen­t for teachers and support for community learning centres in English public schools, was apparently left out of a $300-million post-strike catchup plan announced last week by Education Minister Bernard


Although most of the funding was earmarked for schools, through school boards and service centres, $42 million was set aside for organizati­ons providing tutoring, literacy support or dropout prevention services. LEARN did not receive funding; the BCN asked ministry officials whether other organizati­ons specific to the English-speaking community received funding, but that informatio­n wasn’t immediatel­y available on Monday.

“A lot of English public schools cover vast areas and staying after school isn’t a possibilit­y for all students due to transporta­tion issues,” said EPCA president Katherine Korakakis. “Inperson learning is best, but if [online tutoring through] LEARN works, then they should get funding. … While acknowledg­ing the government’s commitment to addressing the challenges faced by students, EPCA Quebec expresses concern about the omission of establishe­d educationa­l entities, such as Learn Quebec, which has a proven track record of offering services to the English-speaking communitie­s.”

“Despite the government’s plan and media coverage indicating increased funding for homework-help organizati­ons, LEARN, which has been providing tutoring services to the English-speaking community of Quebec for over 19 years, was not included in this initiative,” said LEARN communicat­ions manager Carolina Toteda. “If additional funds were made available, we would gladly accept them to support more families and students in need.”

Toteda said her organizati­on has yet to discuss further funding with the ministry. LEARN offered more than 37,000 tutoring sessions in the past year and has been forced to cap registrati­on for its online tutoring program.

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 ?? 5-b VICTORIA ST., KNOWLTON, QUEBEC, J0E 1V0 TEL: (450) 242-1188 FAX: (450) 243-5155 ??
5-b VICTORIA ST., KNOWLTON, QUEBEC, J0E 1V0 TEL: (450) 242-1188 FAX: (450) 243-5155

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