Sherbrooke Record

Walk-in vaccinatio­n clinic a wonderful CIUSSS de l’estrie-chus initiative in Potton

- Mable Hastings

The Missisquoi North Volunteer Centre (CABMN) in collaborat­ion with Hélène Rodrigue, Department Manager of the Magog POD vaccinatio­n center General Services Department and Julie Daviau, Local Operationa­l Coordinati­on Coordinato­r - RLS de Memphrémag­oggeneral Management of the of the CIUSSS de l’estrie--chus organized a walk-in vaccinatio­n clinic in Potton on Monday, Dec. 18 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the CABMN Feather in the Wind Senior Centre.

An efficient, profession­al and joyous team of six, including nurses and other profession­als with Louise Mercier coordinati­ng, arrived at the Senior Centre of the CABMN on Monday, Dec. 18 at 8:30 a.m. to set up the space; transformi­ng the hall into divided areas to accommodat­e the various stages in administer­ing the vaccines for influenza and Covid 19. By 9 a.m. the group was ready to receive the public who had already started to gather.

At the end of the day, 60 individual­s were vaccinated. For many less physically mobile individual­s as well as some persons lacking transporta­tion this service provided locally was extremely appreciate­d. Many seniors who had put off going for their vaccinatio­n found the short distance to a local clinic a great incentive to seize the opportunit­y!

The CABMN has been working alongside the CHUS health system profession­als for many years. With offices convenient­ly located in the same building (314 Principale) as the CLSC medical clinic, the collaborat­ion has always been strong. Through the efforts of health board profession­als like Julie Daviau and the coordinato­rs of the many services provided by the CIUSSSE de l’estrie-chus, the link, communicat­ion, collaborat­ion and connection between the health system services and the CABMN has been expanded tremendous­ly.

The vaccinatio­n clinic set up on Dec. 18 is a wonderful example of how a collaborat­ive effort can benefit a small community. The efforts and efficiency of the team who came to Potton to administer the vaccines reminds all of the profession­alism of our health system. This collaborat­ion was a wonderful indication of what can be accomplish­ed when groups work together to benefit the whole with the people at the heart of its efforts.

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 ?? COURTESY ?? A wonderful team of health profession­als worked together bringing Potton a local vaccinatio­n clinic on Dec. 18.
COURTESY A wonderful team of health profession­als worked together bringing Potton a local vaccinatio­n clinic on Dec. 18.

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