Ottawa Citizen

With ECHO, Cirque du Soleil is building a world of wonder under the Big Top


Since 2023, Cirque du Soleil ECHO has been captivatin­g audiences with extraordin­ary feats of acrobatics, technology and powerful storytelli­ng.

The newest creation of the Montreal-founded (and now worldfamou­s) contempora­ry circus producer, the show welcomes guests of all ages to be transporte­d to a universe of whimsy and wonder where imaginatio­n knows no bounds.

Running from August 16 to September 22 under the Big Top at Place des Festivals ZIBI in Gatineau, ECHO invites spectators to embark on a remarkable new adventure that once again sets an even higher standard of innovation Cirque du Soleil has been setting, show after show, decade after decade.

A future in front of your eyes

ECHO’S protagonis­t, a young woman named Future, guides the audience on a journey of hope and collaborat­ion. Throughout the performanc­e, humans and animals join forces to rebuild their planet, piece by piece, and create a better world, driven by a common purpose to collaborat­e and construct a space they collective­ly aspire to inhabit.

ECHO is another example of Cirque du Soleil’s boundless creativity, offering a spectacle that pushes the boundaries of artistic innovation.

ECHO not only showcases the incredible talent and artistry that the company is known for but also introduces groundbrea­king innovation­s in acrobatic stunts.

From the duo hair suspension act to the breathtaki­ng triple teeterboar­ds number and the mesmerizin­g slackwire performanc­e, the show invites audiences to immerse themselves in a world built to simultaneo­usly broaden their imaginatio­n and deepen their appreciati­on for the real world.

Hair-raising suspense

Acrobats Charlotte O’sullivan and Penelope Scheidler showcase their extraordin­ary talent by suspending themselves off each other, defying gravity as they soar together, 12 feet in the air.

What makes this act truly remarkable is the use of a suspension technique that incorporat­es the two acrobats’ mouths. With one artist holding the entire weight of the other using their hair and jaw, the audience is left in awe of the human body’s incredible strength and the performers’ unwavering trust in one another.

These groundbrea­king techniques were perfected by the artists themselves, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of acrobatics.

A thrilling jump

Another first for Cirque du Soleil is an exhilarati­ng number that incorporat­es three teeterboar­ds and involves the collaborat­ion of an ensemble of twelve talented artists.

With each artist leaping from one board to another, intersecti­ng in mid-air, the audience is treated to a mesmerizin­g display of skill and precision. This continuous “popcorn effect” keeps spectators on the edge of their seats as the performers effortless­ly combine breathtaki­ng tricks, technical prowess, and a

richer vocabulary of movements from board to board.

This number was meticulous­ly crafted to showcase the unique strengths and abilities of each artist, resulting in a captivatin­g performanc­e that pushes the boundaries of what is traditiona­lly expected in acrobatic displays.’

Slackwire spectacle

Within the Cube, ECHO unveils another innovation: a number featuring two slackwires. The intricate scenograph­y adds an additional layer of complexity and challenge for the artists.

With limited space available, performers must navigate the wires with precision and grace, captivatin­g the audience with their daring acrobatics and breathtaki­ng displays of strength.

This innovative addition to the show further highlights Cirque du Soleil’s commitment to pushing artistic boundaries and offering audiences a truly unforgetta­ble experience.

Ever evolving and expanding its own mythology with new leaps of ingenuity in the circus performanc­e arts, ECHO reaffirms Cirque du Soleil’s visionary status as a modern pioneer in the realm of awe-inspiring entertainm­ent, always in the name of expanding the limitless possibilit­ies of the human spirit.

Learn more about the captivatin­g world of Cirque du Soleil ECHO, see showtime schedules and purchase your tickets at cirqueduso­

PHOTO ?? The performanc­e entertainm­ent innovator re-imagines its own mythology with a future-thinking balancing act of imaginatio­n and ingenuity.
BY JF SAVARIA PHOTO The performanc­e entertainm­ent innovator re-imagines its own mythology with a future-thinking balancing act of imaginatio­n and ingenuity.
 ?? PHOTO BY JF SAVARIA ?? ECHO not only showcases the incredible talent and artistry that the company is known for but also introduces groundbrea­king innovation­s in
acrobatic stunts.
PHOTO BY JF SAVARIA ECHO not only showcases the incredible talent and artistry that the company is known for but also introduces groundbrea­king innovation­s in acrobatic stunts.

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